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Were running through the woods now. I couldn't believe Josh could run up a wall with me in one hand and climb over it landing safely on the ground and started to run. I was tied up and mouth covered with a cloth. It smelled like grease and sweat, and it totally grossed me out big time. As we're running I see that we're going deeper and farther away from the castle wall. As we go way deeper the sun is almost gone and it soon becomes dark. Josh has been running sense we left. He wasn't tried even. But not to long he slow down and came to a walking pace. We come to a lake were he sets me down under a tree and he sits across from me trying to catch his breath. I look around, nothing but trees and the lake. Then the next thing that happens Josh is taking if his belt and boots and jumping into the lake. At lest he kept his pants on thank god! Josh comes up for air and stares at me. " you want to come in to cool off?" He asked. Even though it's night time it was pretty hot." Yes please" I say. Josh comes out of the water. He takes off my boots, but leaves my leggings and dress on. Thank god he did! But he didn't untie me. He toke the cloth around my mouth off. Then he lifted me up, putting me over his shoulder and walked into the lake. At first it was cold then I got use to it cause it was really hot out here so I don't regret this decision. Josh never let go of me of corse, my hands and feet were tied up so if he let go of me I would drown. We stayed in the lake for a couple of minutes till we cooled off. After we gout out Josh put his boots and belt on and he put my boots back on as well. The he picked me up and started to running again. I swear he's like an animal. We ran for a long time till it was close to midnight. Then I thought about Zen....... Oh Zen he probably doesn't know gone, he'll probably will come to my room in the morning and it will be to late. Josh slowed down till we reached an river. It was bigger than the one I fell into one almost two weeks ago, so I now it's not the same one. When I looked to my side I saw a huge bridge with guards at each end. But I saw a blue crescent on the side if the river were on. But I looked at the other side of the bridge and saw the Tanbarun crescent in the other side. So this must be the border between the two country's! And thy blue crescent must be Clarines crescent! Josh turns around and walks back into the woods. He walks just a bit farther from the border but I can still see the bridge. Then he walks into a house. It look abandoned because there were cobwebs everywhere and no furniture in the room, and it was dusty. Josh then makes a fire if some logs on the ground. He must of have come here before he came to the castle to set this up knowing it be dark when we reach the border. It's was really cold even with the fire. I was also hungry cause I missed Lunch earlier because I fell asleep under the tree and also running away from Zen. Then my heart started to pound fast. Just thinking about Zen makes my heart go crazy! I don't want to admit what I feeling right now. I just meet Zen almost two weeks ago! How could I be feeling this way? Josh comes in front of me that breaks me out of my daze. He stars right into my eyes not looking away even for a second. The he makes one if those evil smirks he has, more like a grin." We'll look here. You can't escape from me this time, and no ones coming to help you I bet." He says." I bet they don't even no your gone or maybe they do but don't care, probably happy that your out of there hands" he continues. Then he laughs.
" I see that you became friends with the prince. He probably only kept you around cause of your hair" he says laughing. I then felt shocked. Why if he's right? What if Zen only did all of this cause if my hair? I then started to cry. " Y-y-your r-right" I say sobbing." H-he o-only kep-pt me c-c-cause o-of m-my h-hair!" I say crying so much as if this was all the tears I held back when I really wanted to cry this whole time I was kidnapped and saved and kidnapped again! I couldn't see anything my tears came out like a waterfall and wouldn't stop." I-I'm
s-such a f-fool!" I say. I don't care if the whole world found out but but.... I fell in love with Zen! I'm blushing like crazy and Josh seems to notice." We'll well well... Look what we have here!" He says grinning. " I don't care if you hurt me or even rap me!" I say. " but don't ever think that Zen would keep me cause if my hair!" I say blushing. Josh looks shocked. Then he starts laughing." Hahahaha! You fell in love with the prince!" He says." I never would thought you'd be stupid to do that!" He says." Look red head. The prince has no time for a girl like you. And he wouldn't even be in love with you for a dumb girl like you! I bet he doesn't care if your gone!" He says smiling and snickering. That's when he got up and walked outside. " I'll be back" he says and shuts the door behind him. I waited for a few seconds before I got up and ran to the back of the house. I found a knife on the ground with other things around it. I leaned down and pickle it up and started cutting the rope as fast as i ca. Before Josh comes back. He probably went hunting for food cause were both hungry. I cut the rope on my legs first cause i hate hopping then I'm onto my hands. At lea the tied them to the front so I could do this. When I broke those ropes I ran to the window and looked around and I saw Josh wasn't around. I opened the door and went outside. I ran back through the direction we came from. My heart was pounding fast, after then when I'm around Zen even. I was scared. Really really scared.

I ran without stopping. Even if my legs hurt I didn't dare to stop. If I did i thought about Josh and him running after me. And even killing me! I ran as fast as I could. Like I just saw a ghost! I ran into some trees when I Finally stopped. I was at the lake we were at earlier. How did I get here? I don't know how long I ran but it was probably for twenty minutes non stop. It toke us two hours to travel from the castle to the border. But then again he was carrying me and we stopped here for about fifteen minutes to cool down in the lake. Then I heard some bodies behind me. Josh I thought! I was to scared to even think about anything. Then I saw something jump and tackle me. I screamed so loud I bet someone could hear from one kilometre away. Then I felt a stab of pain. I see my foot was caught in a hole when I was tackled and it's twisted, so twisted it's all the was around like my foot was attached backwards. I knew if I moved it any more i would break the bone. If the doesn't happen and I get it out it wouldn't be able to walk but it would be Badly sprained that it take two or three weeks to heal. I look Over to my side to see Josh there. He probably got hurt but that wouldn't take him down that easy. All I could do was one thing now. Even if no one hears me. I need someone, anyone! I did the last thing I could do. And that was scream.

" HELP!!! HELP!!!" I scream. And I was crying. Not any kind of tears. Tears of hurt, and love.

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