Wishing time stood still

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The wind blow my hair to the side as I stood there in the garden. Flower petals blew everywhere and blew with the wind. It felt like I've been standing there forever. My heart was beat fast like it could explode. As time has stopped.....

There he was.....

Standing there in front of me.....

Not moving and not blinking....

As if there was no tomorrow.....

For this moment........

Was everything.

Standing there waiting for something to happen. But I don't want this to end. I want to stay here forever.... ever, and ever. Zen started walking towards me. I was so nervous... what will he say or do?! What if he just walks past me!? I looked away from Zen trying to not make eye contact. Maybe he'll stop walking over here? But that didn't work for he was in front of me now. I look at him and made eye contact. We stood there for who knows. Then he grabbed me and hugged me. He hugged me tight like he was going to lose me or this was the last day to live. We stood there hugging each other in till we heard someone call out Zen's name. Zen then let go of me and turned around but didn't move. Then he grabbed my hand and started running. But instead of running towards the person calling Zen we were running away? We ran through the garden deport and deeper. The garden was beautiful..... it was so big with losts of flowers. The sunset shon onto our body's showing our shadows like we were a painting running, but couldn't go anywhere. Just an image stuck with no colour. Just black. Black body's no were to go. Just then I tripped and fell. I'm not use to running much. Back in in my county were I lived with my father I was always on a horse, working in the garden, in the house or reading. There was nothing to really do. I mostly read books. Zen stopped and came beside me. He had a worried look. Then he picked my up princess style and started running again. Still running away from the castle. Why? Why is he running away from the castle? Then we ended up in the woods. Zen stopped running and came to a walk. He walked till we ended up to a weird place." I use to come here a relax" he said." But now I use it for horse training, never got the time to relax." He said. I looked up to him to see he was staring at me. He placed me down on a stone bench. Well not a bench but you know what I mean. Zen then sat next to me and put my head on his shoulder. I was blushing so hard that I was so embarrassed. I was red as a tomato. Then he laid his head onto mine. Nope I was wrong as red as my hair! I closed my eyes wishing to stay like this a bit longer. It felt like forever when we sat there. We stayed like that in till the sun went down and it was dark. Me and Zen didn't notice. But after awhile it got chilly so I shivered. Zen notices and toke off his jacket and put it around me." I didn't notice the sun went down." Said Zen." Me to." I replied. We both looked at each other and smiled. Zen then toke my hand and we walked all the way back to the castle. We walked through the hallways quietly and sneaking around the guards. When we turned a corner their stood Mitsuhide and Kiki. Zen then pulled me back around the corner and we hid there." Were is he?!" Said Mitsuhide." Probably fooling around like he usually dose." Said Kiki." He has a ton of paperwork that needs to be done." He said almost yelling. I've never seen Mitsuhide mad before. Zen then picked me up bridal style and ran the detection we just came from. He then picked up a rock as big as his fist and throw it and started running with me in his arms. I was laughing when I saw Mitsuhide come around the corner to see what that sound came from. Then you should have seen how mad he was when he saw Zen running away with me in his arms. Mitsuhide started chasing us." ZEN!!!" Yelled Mitsuhide so mad. Zen then burst out laughing, and I laughed with him." Catch us if you can!" Zen said yelling back." Wait till I catch you! You will be so dead!" Mitsuhide yelled. We ran around the castle so much I was surprised the Zen is still running with me in his arms and he haven't stopped. Sent hen ran up a flight of stairs. Zen the opened a door and walked outside to the top of the castle. I'm pretty sure he just ran for twenty minutes Straight without stopping, plus carrying me! Zen then sat down cradling me in his arms. I blushed as he looked at me. Our eyes meet and we stayed like that for awhile." I'm pretty sure Mitsuhide got lost trying to catch us." Zen said smiling at me." Yeah!" I said back giggling at what just happened. I load my head on his chest. And looked up into the sky. It was so beautiful. There was like a billon stars. And the moon was so big! I closed my eyes but didn't drift off to sleep. After a while I opened the m to see Zen looking at me. He then blushed but didn't look away." Well." He said standing up." I think it's time for us to go to bed." He said. Us?! I blushed and he noticed what I said." Uh... I meant by us going to sleep but not together." He said blushing a bit. I then laughed and he laughed with me. He walked down the stairs with me still in his arms. I sent his arms getting tired? We walked past the halls staying clear of Mitsuhide. He Zen walked right up to a door and opened it. He then put me down. I looked up at him."Goodnight Shirayuki." Said Zen. He turned around." G-Goodnight." I said. blushing. Zen was about to walk out the door but stopped. Why is he stopping? Zen then turned around and the next thing I know is he's kissing me. And I mean by kissing, not on the cheek. But the lips! I blushed like crazy. He then backed away blushing." Ahh I'm sorry I should of asked you first!" He said surprised at what he did.
" It-It's o-okay." I said looking down. Then I looked up to him seeing him staring at me. He then put a gentle smile on his face. He then hugged me, and I hugged him back. He picked me up bridal style and walked over to the bed sitting down. He cradled me and we stayed like that for a while. He then gently laid me down and but the blanket over me. He walked over to the other side and go in the bed. He hugged me tightly. After a while I couldn't get the sleep and Zen was still awake. He then whispered in my ear."I Love you Shirayuki." He whispered, and I blushed." I-I love you too Zen." I said embarrassed. I felt him shake a bit giggling at me blushing. He then kissed my cheek." Goodnight my sweet princess." He said. I looked at him then smiled." Goodnight my sweet prince." I said. I then kissed him on the lips and startled him but he kissed me back. Soon I feel asleep in his arms.

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