Chapter One:
A/N: This is one of those books that switch POV's every so often:)
Louis POV:
~Four Years Later~
I stretched my limbs out a bit, and moved Eleanor to the side so I could get out of the cheap bed. She had insisted going with us on tour this time, at least we were on our way home now.
I felt giddiness wash through me as I saw the tell-tale signs of London fly by the window as I pulled on a black graphic tee shirt and buttoned up my favorite red jeans.
I took one last look at the sleeping Eleanor before going to the main section of the tour bus.
"Anybody up?" I called through the bus. I heard our driver, Joey, chuckle. I knew he would be awake. I smiled to myself as I walked to the drivers section, and sat in the passenger's seat.
"You know them lazy boys ain't gonna be up at seven o'clock on their break, Laddy." Joey chuckled. He was a bald, thick man, but he had a great sense of humor and never failed to make any of us laugh.
"I wonder if Niall has any more of those ranch crisps." I wondered out loud. Joey shrugged.
"We're almost back to the house, blote. We'll have to get ya somethin' to eat soon."
I nodded my head, and patted a tune to one of our songs on my thighs, waiting for the hidden house to come into view. I nearly leapt out of my seat when I saw the beautiful, large, white stone house around the corner.
Our Families resided close to it, a few hundred feet away. I wondered how my Mum was doing as the bus parked, and I heard heavy footsteps in the back of the bus, practically running. I stood up, and saw the boys and Eleanor, dressed and ready to get out. I smiled warmly at her as I walked over, and slung my arm around her shoulders.
"Are you happy to be home, Lou?" She asked, looking up at me. I nodded, and the doors opened. Our Families came running out of the house to greet us.
"Louis! You're home!" My mum yelled, her face lit up dramatically in excitement. I wrapped my arms around her as I stepped out the bus.
I looked around, and laughed at Greg ruffling Niall's hair. I shook my head, and smiled back to my Mum, who was telling me all kinds of silly things, though I had already heard over half of it. I smile and nodded as we walked inside the house, Eleanor still by my side.
The door was already opened, and everybody in our immediate families were grouped in the dining room, with a table full of breakfast items. Our tradition.
"Where's Lottie?" I asked as I sat down beside my Mum, looking around the group.
"Rome, we told you that." My sister, Phoebe explained. I smiled at her, and wrapped one arm around her shoulders, hugging her. Eleanor sat in front of me, and smiled at me. My sisters talked to her, and the rest of the boys were also catching up with their families. Zayn was holding Perrie close to him while Liam chatted with his new girlfriend.
"Let's eat!" Niall called. Everybody nodded in agreement, and dug in.
The breakfast was successful, and I sat back in my chair.
"That. Was. Amazing!" I exclaimed. Eleanor giggled, and I sent her a flirty smile.
"Look at the two lovebirds. I haven't seen you happier, well, before-" My Mum started, but I cut her off with a cough.
"Let's go unpack. Joey, could you and Rick help me unload the bus?" I asked abruptly. They both nodded, and followed me out the front door.
"Lou! What was that about?" Harry asked, amuse written all over his face. I crack a half-smile.
"Something I would rather never bring up again." I said as we walked to the parked bus.
"A girl?" He asked, climbing in. I nodded, and shrugged.
"It was a long time ago, mate. Besides, it's not like we'll ever see each other again." I said as I went and picked up some packed suitcases. Eleanor was the only girl who went with us this time, so it wasn't too bad.
Joey was checking the oil and the tires as I placed the bags on the front porch.
"Guys! Bags!" I called through the big house. My voice echoed across the marble floors and high ceilings. I missed this place. My first house, and I shared it with four of my best pals.
"Coming, lad!" Zayn called. I nodded, and went back outside to clean out the bus with Rick. We could make a real mess sometimes.
"I'll help!" Eleanor's voice called from upstairs. I figured she was scoping the house out, making sure everything was perfect. I heard my phone ring, and I pulled it out of my pockets.
"Hello?" I chirped.
"Louis! How are you settlin' in?" Simon's deep voice cheered through the phone. I chuckled a bit.
"We're doing fine, Si. When will you be over?" I asked, watching as Eleanor made her way down the stairs.
"I won't be over 'till tonight or maybe the mornin'. Why? Miss me already?" He teased. I imagined his smirk on the other line.
"You wish, mate. Gotta go, okay?"
"Bye." He hung up. I shoved the phone back in my pocket, and smiled at Eleanor.
"You helping me clean?" I asked as I grabbed her tan hand. She laughed a short laugh, and nodded.
"Good, because you're pretty messy." I teased. She faked offense, and crossed her arms, pouting.
"Do not." Her face threatened a smile.
"Whatever, love. Let's get started, just trash all the food." We climbed in the bus, and since we had five helpers, it wouldn't take too long.
"Maybe we could catch a movie later? I've missed being home." Eleanor asked dreamily. I nodded, and continued working. Being home for a while made me happy, but I was still worn out from jetlag and the tiredness of the tour in general.
"God! I'm tired!" I yelled. Eleanor cringed.
"Don't be so loud, Louis! I've got a headache!" She scolded. I smirked at her, and sat down on the small couch.
"Whatver you say, Mum." I teased. She scoffed, and finished throwing the last item of food away. Which reminded me...
"We need to go to the grocery store soon." I mused.
"We'll go later, after we collect the money from the boys. Who's gonna go?" Eleanor asked.
"My Mum and I, maybe. We might have to go out of town, the news of One Direction coming home is all over Twitter." I rolled my eyes, and fumbled with a loose string on my shirt. Eleanor nodded, and smiled.
"Maybe we could go to Brighton, and then get the cold stuff tonight?" She suggested. I shook my head.
"No, let's just go to that small grocery store and I'll go with Mum and wear my shades." I offered.
"Alright, I'll go get the list and some money." Eleanor smiled. I nodded, and got out the bus, and heading to the car.
I opened the door to my silver mini cooper, and dug the key out the hidden department, cranking the car.
I saw my Mum come out with a notebook and her purse. She smiled largely and waved at me, sending me in a fit of laughter.
"Let's go!" She chirped as she settled in. I put my favorite gray beanie on and some sunshades, and smiled at my Mum as I pulled out the parking lot.
Nothing exciting ever happens at the grocery store.

When You said 'Rock Me', Is This What You Meant? | l.t (Book l) [unedited]
FanfictionOne Direction Fanfiction :) "I’ve told you. I need to get started as soon possible, and I don’t want you hangin’ on my arm, I want you to have a life. I’m no good for you, Zo.” His voice softened as he finished his sentence. “I’m sixteen, Louis. My...