Chapter Fifteen

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up that morning to my phone ringing beside my head. Why didn't I charge it?

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hey sleepy!" Louis chirped through the speakers.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked.

"Because I left my hoodie at yours last night." He sounded like he was frowning.

"Okay? Well come over here and get it." I said, my eyes staying closed.

"What ever you say, Zo." He chuckled before hanging up. I smiled as I placed the half dead phone on my charger. Honesty snuggled closer to me back and I felt myself dozing off again.

Only to be awaken what seemed like a minute later by gentle knocking at my front door. I sighed violently as I got out of bed, leaving Honesty to sleep.

I walked down the stairs, not even passing a mirror.

When I pulled the door open, Louis smile widened. I rubbed my eyes a bit, taking in his slightly blurry figure from lack of vision aid.

"Get it so I can go back to sleep." I muttered, my hand went to my hair. I cringed at the large knot I felt.

"You look lovely." He complimented as he looked under my pillow.

"Where is it?" I asked, helping him look.

"Let me go look in the room." Louis said. I nodded and followed him up. When a breeze hit my bare arms and shoulders, I wished I had dressed in more than a burgundy camisole and my favorite pink fuzzy polka dot pants.

He opened the door, and I smiled when he grabbed it from the bed.

"Why are you so sleepy at seven a.m?" He asked. My jaw dropped.

"You woke me up at seven for a jacket?" I whined. Louis laughed, and looked me in the eyes. His close space suddenly made me self-conscious. I tasted the plaque in my mouth and took a step back.

"I'll go brush my teeth." I said, pointing over my shoulder. He laughed a bit more, and nodded his head.

I scurried down the hall, and very quickly, but thoroughly, brushed my teeth. I scrubbed my tongue extra good, and tore my hair down from the mess that was on my head.

I tried yanking a brush through it, but gave up when I heard more ripping than untangling. I put it in a messy bun, and shrugged.

"Let me put some clothes on." I said quietly so Honesty wouldn't wake up. I sneaked in my bedroom, praising the Lord when she was still asleep.

I put on a white t shirt and regular skinny jeans, and walked back out to Louis.

"Sorry." I smiled. He laughed softly, and pushed a curl behind my ear. I sucked in a deep breath of air when his hand lingered at my cheek bone. He smiled softly, as if asking for permission.

I softly pressed my lips on his slightly chapped ones, and I felt him smile. I reached up, and threaded my fingers in his brunette hair, and his hand reach for my other, intertwining our fingers.

He nipped my bottom lip, and I gasped, pulling away. I felt my cheeks flush, and I looked down at my bare feet. His hand was brought back up to my cheek, and he lifted my head up.

"Is this too soon?" He whispered. The corner of my mouth twitched a bit.

"I have no idea." I whispered back. When I heard the door creak open, I stepped back from him, and looked at my little Honesty. Her curls were knotted just as bad as mine were, and her night shirt was raised to her navel.

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