Chapter Seventeen

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Louis' POV:

After dinner with Zoe and Honesty, I had to go home quickly since the rain was already coming down hard. I hoped it would be like that all December.

When I pulled into the drive way, I pulled out my phone and loaded twitter up as I went inside.

I sighed at all the tweets asking why I broke up with Eleanor. I should've know the girl couldn't keep it a secret.

I typed a tweet extremely fast, telling everybody to chill, and that Eleanor and I couldn't work anymore. I also said Larry Stylinson wasn't involved.

Immediately, I got tons of supporting tweets, favorites, and retweets. I smiled as I scrolled through them.

My phone started ringing, and I answered Simon's call.

"Why did you break up with Eleanor?" Simon asked.

"Because she cheated on me. I wasn't planning on telling anybody but she let it spill." I said slowly into the phone. I heard Simon's sigh.

"Whatever Louis, but if it's about another girl, you'll have to wait a few months or she'll look like a home wrecker." He said harshly before hanging up. I gaped at the phone before locking it and sliding it my pocket.

"Oh, hey Lou! When was the last time I've seen you?" Zayn chuckled. I laughed with him.

"Yeah, been busy since we've got home. I wanna know how I haven't been mobbed yet. " I smiled.

"Lucky! I've been mobbed three times!" Zayn whined.

"Were you with Perrie?" I asked. He nodded.

"That's why." I chuckled. He shrugged, and his phone began singing.

"Speaking of... Hey Babe!" He said as he walked away. I sighed, and cut the television back on. My phone started ringing again.

"Hello?" I asked, answering the unknown number.

"Louis Tomlinson, this is Michelle Young speaking. Do you think you could tell us about your break up with El-" I cut her off by hanging up. I hate being famous sometimes.

My phone rang again, and I rolled my eyes before answering.

"Hello?" I asked, irritation seeping into my voice.

"Hello. My name is Holly Bright. Do you have the time to-" I hung up again.

Another ring, and I answered it before looking at the I.D.

"I broke up with Eleanor because she's a cheap slapper!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"I know?" Zoe sounded confused.

"Sorry, I've already gotten two phone calls and tons of emails in the past five minutes from posting a twitter post." I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. Zoe giggled a bit on the other side.

"It's okay. I was just calling to see if you could tell me what kind of place we're going tomorrow?" She asked. I smiled a bit.

"High class. That's all I'll say. Unless it's all talk and no trousers." I teased.

"I'd kill you if you stood me up or took me to McDonald's while I'm in an evening dress." She laughed.

"I suggest packing extra clothes then, love." I teased her further.

"Alright, I'll be sure to do that. I'm going to bed now, bye."

"Bye, Zo." I said before hanging up. I smiled at my phone for a minute before realizing the lame action.

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