Chapter Nine

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A/N: I hope this chapter gets your stomach twisting C:A bit shorter than usual, but whatever <3

Louis' POV:

I lay in bed, texting Eleanor, and asking her how her day went. She had been distant from me these passed two days, so I was just keeping our relationship in check, don't want her running off.

Oh yeah, today was pretty boring. I missed you, havn't seen much of you recently xo I read the text before quickly tapping in another, feeling guilty I've been spending more time with my ex than my girlfriend.

Mine was good, we hung out with some old friends tonight, I wish you could've been there :) x I wondered to myself I was lying, and sighed heavily.

Well babe, I'll call it a night. She abruptly ended the conversation. I frowned, and texted her a goodnight as well. I tossed over, and wondered what Zoe was doing.

Sleeping, duh. My subconscious mind reminded me. I rolled my eyes at myself, and closed my eyes, banishing all thoughts of Zoe, and falling into a dreamless sleep.

In the morning, I followed my normal routine, skipping the shave. I ran down the stairs barefooted, and skidded to a stop when I saw Eleanor leaning against the counter, her blouse showing just a bit too much skin for winter in England.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey." She sounded distracted, and I wondered how long she'd been here. I smiled at her as I walked towards the fridge, and pulled out some carrot sticks and some ranch dressing.

"You want some?" I asked, biting into the carrot.

"Nah, I'm good." She said, tapping her freshly manicured fingers on her phone screen. I frowned, and looked around the room. Awkward. I brewed myself a cup of chamomile. I looked back at Eleanor.

"So, what're you up to today? Anything good?" I asked, edging closer to her. She quickly locked her phone, and slid it in her pockets. I was surprised it fit, seeing how tight her pants were. I looked her over, and frowned. When had she started dressing like this?

"What's up with the new clothes recently?" I asked, motioning to her outfit. She rolled her eyes at me, and glared at me.

"I like this better. I paid for them." She pointed out. I nodded my head, I guess I didn't care, everybody knew she was mine, but recently, I've been preferring loose t shirts and dark wash skinny jeans on a woman. I cleared my throat as I thought of Zoe's normal outfits, and her blonde curls, and my attention back on Eleanor. I just noticed the house was fairly quiet.

"Where are the boys?" I asked. She pulled her phone back out as I walked away.

"Dunno." She sighed. I eyed her phone from a distance, but I couldn't see much of it. Just that she was texting. I crept beside her.

"Here." I said, causing her to jump, and nearly drop her phone on the stone floors. She caught it just in time.

"God, Louis!" She exclaimed, taking the bottle of water. I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched her inspect her new iPhone. She would've killed me if I caused her new phone to break, she slid it in her pocket and glared at me.

"What's up with you, Eleanor?" I asked, leaning closer to her, her perfume filling my nostrils.

"Nothing!" She said, clearly annoyed. She moved on the other side of the counter, and I followed her.

"Something's up." I eyed her. I pressed my arm to hers, and I didn't miss the flash of nervousness in her eyes before she composed herself. I narrowed my own eyes, and looked to her tanned neck.

"Where'd you get that bruise?" I asked, running my finger over the purple and red bruise on her neck. It looked odd, and strangely placed. How'd she get a bruise there?

"Where?" She asked, her voice shaking. She found it, and her eyes glassed over.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Probably where Anne threw a ball at me. I gotta go, talk to you later, Lou." She said as she walked calmly away. I sat down on the bar-stool, thinking of what could've happened to her. Sitting here, racking my brains, I got a text message just as Paul walked in.

'Who ya talking to?" Paul asked, being nosy.

"I don't know, I havn't looked." I chuckled, pulling out my phone and sliding some socks on.

Heyy, it's Zoe. The phone screen read. I gaped at it before quickly composing myself, and replying.

Oh, hey! I said, my heart pounding in my chest. I waited for her reply.

Do you think you could come over? Or maybe me there? I looked at the screen, and tapped out my reply.

Sure, I'll go to you, this place is crawling with security. I grabbed my keys, and texted the boys, telling them I would be out. Wonder what Zoe will have to say?

"Where are you going?" Paul called.

"I gotta go out, to a friend's house." I emphasized the word friend, and dashed out the door.

I climbed into my silver Mini Cooper, which I was starting to get bored of. I might switch with Harry again, if he'll let me. I quickly started the car, and drove out onto the streets.

I followed the street paths by memory, and soon, I was pulled into her drive way. I didn't see the yellow car, but shrugged and got out anyway. I knocked on the door and waited patiently. I shifted my weight from foot to foot as she told me to wait.

Soon, she opened the door, and I smiled at her. Her lovely face was completely clean of makeup and she was in a large t shirt and black skinny jeans, barefoot as always, and her hair in a ponytail.

"Hey, come in." She said, stepping aside, and closing the door behind me.

"Where's Honesty?" I asked.

"Upstairs, I told her not to come down." She said. I briefly wondered why, but followed her anyway.

She led me into the living room, and gave me a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I said, taking a sip, and then sitting it down. She looked nervous as she chewed on her lip. I tore my eyes away from her mouth and settled on her ice blue eyes instead.

"Louis, I need to tell you something." She started nervously. I felt my heart pang in my chest.

"What?" I whispered. This is it, she's finally going to tell me.

"I-I'm just scared at what you'll say." She whispered, my heart breaking with her sad voice. I scooted closer to her.

"No, Zoe. I don't want you to be afraid of what I'll have to say. I want you to tell me the truth, that's it. I swear, Zo, I won't be mad." I enveloped her hands in mine, and her blue eyes met my green ones.

She took in a deep breath, and I wondered if her heart was beating as fast as mine was. I saw her eyes glaze over with tears, and she met my gaze once more.

"Honesty is your daughter, Louis." She finally said.

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