Chapter Thirty Five

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Liam's POV:

I was crouched in a corner, rocking myself. I had to stop the addiction, I had to stop. Stop Liam. Stop Liam, please Liam, stop.

My inner voice was replaced with my Mother's and I allowed my bitter tears to flow. When one dropped in my mouth and it tasted like herion, I stood up quicker than you could blink and I was out the door.

Screw the boys, I dashed down the street, unable to fight my shudders. I made a sharp left, needing a needle.

I didn't even speak as I paid Christina's men, since she was in jail sadly. I didn't hesitate to stab my arm repeatedly, and didn't stop until I felt at ease. My head felt heavy, and I stuttered a thanks to the man. He smirked, and nodded.

"Come back soon, buddy." The man chuckled, and ducked into the tent. I stumbled around the streets for an hour, until it began raining. I ran back in the empty house, where I could let my high wear off. That is, until I shoot myself up again.

Shoot myself up again.

Shoot myself up.

Shoot myself.

Zoe's POV:

Louis and I finished packing my crap up, and Honesty was softly snoring in the backseat. Louis decided to drive, which was good because I wanted to sleep as well. A smile played at Louis' lips, and I couldn't help but think that smile was because of Honesty and I.

"How has your fans been taking Honesty?" I asked during mid-yawn. He shrugged as we pulled away from my brother's house.

"I thought they would be angry because I have the first fruit of my loins" I scrunched my nose up at the odd phrase. "But they've been good."

I switched on the radio, and the soft melody of an Adele song flowed through the speakers.

"I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue." Louis sung softly.

"To make you feel my love." I stole the other line. He smiled at me, and grabbed my hand laying on the arm rest. I squeezed it lightly, and leaned my head against the seatbelt, using it as a make shift pillow. Louis chuckled almost silently as sleep pulled me under.

"Zoe." Louis shook my shoulder. I jolted upright, and looked around. My gaze met his, and he was smirking.

"What?" I asked, sitting up.

"What do you want to eat?" He laughed. I answered him, and told him what to get Honesty. He pulled up to the window, and the young teenager standing behind it almost fainted.

"One moment." She breathefd, and ran somewhere. She came back with another girl, and they squealed together. Louis laughed, and looked at me. I smiled at the pair, and waited for Louis to pay them so we could get our food.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. Can I get your autograph?" She grinned, showing off the metal in her mouth.

"Sure, love." He took the notepad from her hands, and scribbled his name. I felt jealously ping within me when he called her the pet name.

"Can I get yours too, Zoe?" She smiled, and held the notepad out again. An obnoxious honk came from behind us and Louis was struggling not to flip them off.

"U-Uh, yes?" I was confused, but Louis passed the notepad to me, and I nervously signed it, placing a heart underneath. I smiled at the two as we pulled away.

I was glad when we didn't get a repeat at the other window, since it was an old woman.

"Louis, right?" She asked, the rasp in her voice telling she used to smoke, maybe still does.

When You said 'Rock Me', Is This What You Meant? | l.t (Book l) [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now