Chapter Ninteen

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Zoe's POV:

A/N: I am suffering due to a tragic thing. It's been known to be called 'Writers Block'. This chapter may or may not suck :P

It's been two days since I've last seen Louis.

He's called Honesty every night, so I know he wasn't hurt or anything. It's probably normal, I'm just being mental. I chewed on my lip as I flipped through the television channels.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Honesty jumped on the couch beside me. I nodded, and untwisted my legs to get up.

"What do you want, snugbug?" I asked, standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"Peanut butter and jelly!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. I pulled out the ingredients, and began making her sandwich.

I sat her plate down, and pulled her chair out.

"Thank you." She smiled. I kissed her forehead before returning back to the living room. I sat down, and looked at my cellphone.

Many missed calls from unknown numbers, voicemails, some texts. What the heck?

I pulled my voicemail up, and pressed it to my ear.

I frowned when they were all from strange press people, magazines, and one from Paul.

"Zoe, you may be good for him, but if you ruin him, I'll make sure I ruin you." His menacing voice pierced into my eardrum.

I gulped, and lowered out the voicemail, deleting them all but the one from Paul.

A knock at the door sent my heart fluttering, and I jumped off the couch, softly running to the door.

I frowned when Courtney stood in the cold instead of Louis.

"Nice to see you too." She smiled warmly as she stepped inside. I sighed a little as I closed the wooden door, stepping back inside the room with burgundy walls. Courtney pulled her black heeled boots off, and shrugged off her trench coat, revealing a purple t shirt tucked into black skinny jeans.

I coughed, examining her strange appearance.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I furrowed my brows. She smirked, and ran a hand through her curled red locks, it was then I also noticed pink lipstick and thicker eyeliner.

"Like what? A celebrity's girlfriend?" She giggled.

"Court, don't change yourself for a guy." I frowned.

"You didn't, and look where it got you. You're in press sites looking mental." Courtney said, crossing her skinny legs.

"I don't like what's happening to you. If you're gonna let a man change you, then I don't know who you are." My frown turned into a scowl, and I didn't even care my hair was in a mess on my head and my bum looked baggy in these sweatpants. She needed a lecture.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, her lipsticked lips frowned.

"Sorry isn't good enough. What did Harry say about your new look?" I asked.

"Not much, not sure if he noticed or not." She sounded on the verge of tears. I sighed, and made a mental note to thank Harry.

"Honey, don't try to make yourself something you're not meant to be." I said, sitting beside her. She nodded, wiping her eyes. I giggled at the black smudge on the back of her hand.

"Help me take this cake off." She laughed, standing up. I nodded, laughing with her.


"So, how was your date?" I asked as I scraped ice cream into three bowls. I handed Honesty hers and she ran into the dining room. Courtney and I walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch with the block of ice cream.

"Really amazing, he asked me to be his girlfriend! I thought it was a bit fast, but c'mon, it's Harry Styles." She gushed. I nodded, licking the spoon.

"We went to the movies, and then he took me to an incredibly expensive french restaurant. He made me try snails but I actually liked them after the second one." She kept ranting about her wonderful date, and I nodded and mumbled the appropriate remark. By the time she was finished, her ice cream was melted and mine was gone, including the melted dessert.

"But, it was perfect." She smiled as she fell silent. I smiled, and scraped the soon around the empty dish.

"How was yours?" She asked.

"Mine was pretty good, we went to a steakhouse, and then we got mobbed so we had to go to his and watch a movie. I accidentally fell asleep, though." I summed up my date in a few sentences.

"Oh, that's kinda boring." She laughed. I laughed along with her.

"No, it's simple. Simple is my style." I giggled.

We ended up scooping another bowl of ice cream before she had to go in for a job interview. I frowned, but wished her good luck.

"Bye, call me later." She smiled and waved as she walked out the door.

"She talks a lot when she excited, huh?" Honesty remarked, sitting beside me. I laughed, and pulled her close.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked, pushing her brunette curls out her face.

"Park?" She suggested.

"Hm, maybe soon, but it's very cold out today, how about something else?" I smiled. She pondered for a moment.

"We could go see Daddy." She snuggled into me.

"Baby, we can't just go see him, he has to tell us when we can go." I frowned, rubbing her back.

"Oh." She said in a small voice. I remembered the extra bit if money, and my eyes lit up.

"Wanna go to the cinema?" I asked. She sat up quickly, her eyes wide.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, pulling her shirt over her head.

"Why did you take your shirt off?" I giggled.

"Because I gotta change!" She giggled, running up the stairs.

I followed her and turned into my bedroom, slipping off my oversized clothes. I replaced them with a black tank top, blue plaid shirt, and regular skinny jeans.

"C'mon, baby!" I yelled as I pulled up my ponytail. She ran down the stairs, crooked clips in her hair and Chapstick all around her lips. I giggled, kneeling down.

"What's in your hair?" I laughed, softly tugging the clips out.

"Hair access-ree!" She giggled. I laughed at her pronunciation, and fixed some of the clips to look nice bit to keep her happy.

"Beautiful, let's go." I smiled as I grabbed her hand, leading her out the door.

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