Chapter Forty One

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A/N: This is the last chapter, the next thing is an epilogue and the summary for the sequel :D


Louis' POV:

"Yes?" I croaked, sitting up.

"Zoe is ready to see you." She smiled. I gasped, my mouth completely open.

"Really?" I whispered.

"Really." She laughed. I jumped in the air, clapping my hands like a child. I wiped the happy tears from my face as I laughed.

"She's alive!" I jumped on Zayn. He coughed from the blow, but smiled.

"And waiting." The nurse reminded me.

"Yeah, waiting." I nodded, following her. She led me down the hall and up a lift, but when we stopped in front of a door, my heart was going crazy inside of me.

"Come in." I heard her call. We entered the room, and I smiled at her, joy over flooding me.

"Hi." She smiled sheepishly.

Zoe's POV:

He looked like he would crack any moment. I counted down from five, and then he began crying.

I smiled as he took my empty hand in his, my fingers clear of the beautiful ring he got me. I'm sure he hadn't noticed yet, even if he did he wouldn't say.

"Z-Zoe." He sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed his hair, though it made my shoulder ache slightly.

"It's okay." I whispered. I wanted to see Honesty, but I figured she was asleep.

"No it's not." He sobbed. I wiped the tear that slid down my own face, and continued soothing him.

"Louis." I cooed.

"What?" He sniffed, sitting up. I smiled at him, showing him I was fine. I felt odd, tired, and my stomach hurt, but I was fine.

"Don't cry." I smiled. He wiped his face, before laughing and kissing me softly. His lips trailed down my hurt shoulder lightly, down to my ring finger. I supposed he was expecting cool silver instead of warm flesh.

"Where's your ring?" He asked curiously. That alone made me burst into tears.

"They took it. I'm so sorry, I tried to stop them but they wouldn't." I sobbed. I covered my face with my hands, ignoring the burn in my shoulder. Louis smoothed my ponytail down, before laughing. I sobered up quickly, glaring at him.

"What's so funny?" I sniffed.

"You're that upset over a replaceable ring? Baby, we can go get another just like it. What's important is you're here, laying in front of me." He said softly.

"Oh." I laughed. He chuckled, repeating my words. I smiled as he leaned in for one more kiss. I hated the beeping in the background and the buzzing going through my veins, making me less than sleepy.

"I'm tired." I yawned.

"I'll let you sleep." He kissed my forehead. As he turned to leave, I grabbed his collar.

"Don't leave." I begged.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm coming right back up after I get our daughter and inform everyone they can go home." He whispered against my forehead. I nodded, my eyelids getting heavy.

"I love you, so much." He mumbled as he left.

"Love you too." I whispered after he left.


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