The road so far...

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It wasn't like I liked the idea of hunting down monsters. It was thrilling and it provided a killer exercise, but it did have its downsides. Like the fact that nearly everyone in my family was dead and the rest didn't know about our annual traditions. I had lost my parents when I was thirteen and I didn't have anywhere to go.

The best option was to stay with a hunter my dad knew, but I knew one more mouth to feed wasn't the most thrilling news to take in. So I ended up putting most of my things in a bag and all the money we had and hit the road. Around the time I was fourteen I had gotten my license in Kansas and with the rest of my college fund I bought myself a car. It wasn't like my parents didn't have cars, but the thought of knowing it was theirs would be a constant reminder they where dead.

It wasn't anything fancy, and it wasn't the hottest sports car of its generation. But it certainly did its job and soon enough I learned how to take care of what little I had. I hadn't stopped killing monsters, it was definitely new to do it alone but it did have its freedoms. No bed times no curfew no attachments. More importantly I didn't have to burden myself with school.

I studied online and what most kids finished in one school year I finished in two months. When I was seventeen I was above college level in education. But I never did apply that knowledge to live a normal life. The hunts always seemed to end in a high note and as I continued to grow so did my strength in the field. All in all it was all going great.

Until I died and went to hell...

-rewind ten years ago-

Today wasn't like a normal hunt, it wasn't a kill and leave deal. It was a stab and run situation and I was determined to outrun the hellhounds chasing me. It wasn't my time to die and I wasn't stupid enough to have bargained my life away in the past. Even in the toughest situations, I always found a way to outrun the bastards hell spat out.

Today wasn't going to be any different. I could feel the branches tearing at my face as I clawed my way through the forest. I could hear them I could feel them and I didn't dare look back to see if I could see them. I just mindlessly ran ahead at full sprint. Until I no longer heard the hounds. Or any sound to be specific. I braced myself for an attack and instead received a tap on the shoulder from behind.

"You can't outrun fate love." I inhaled sharply turning around to face the crossroad demon. "I believe we haven't exactly met... I'm-" "I don't give a rats ass who you are, what I'd like to know is why your bitches are chasing after me." He stayed silent his eyes gleaming a bright red as he paced back and forth.

"For starters sweetheart, I called off the little hunt so have some respect. And a deal is a deal." I shook my head swiping a few drops of sweat off my forehead. "What deal? I never made a contract with you." He chuckled a low guttural growl forming in his chest towards the end. "You where never in on it, and you never figured it out. What a shame." I took out the gun from my pocket. "You better start talking you filthy son of a bitch or so help me god I will blow a hole through your brain. Now talk."

"When your parents died didn't you think it strange you lived? They made a deal with me. To not harm you for ten solid years." He paused for a moment glancing behind me. I didn't need to look back to know the pack of hellhounds where behind me. "At least now you knew who their favorite was..." I stepped closer coking the gun. "Shut up. So what now I'm supposed to willingly go to hell for you?"

"Not really, you don't have to if you don't want to." He raised his hand and slightly turned to the side. "Oh wait I lied. Also you don't willingly go to hell. You get dragged there in shreds." He snapped his fingers and in an instant I felt my leg go numb as the first hellhound sank it's teeth into my knee joint. They bit and tore and scratched everywhere as I desperately shot at them with no actual effect.

Out of the corner of my eye, as the last bit of life was slipping out of me I could see the demon smiling at me. "Enjoy hell."

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