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A/N: Quick thing my dudes. I'm going to try and write better content with more plot and action. Sorry for being so lazy on my writing before~

It had been a week since the devil showed up, literally from hell. That day he talked to me about repaying him for getting me out of hell, and that my friends didn't need to know about this, or else he'd kill them. If they where even still my friends. On one hand I couldn't get Dean to stop apologizing, on another I couldn't get Sam talk to me. Even if he said he wasn't mad I knew he was.

Cas was the only one I felt comfortable talking too, even if he threatened to kill me multiple times. So it had been a week and I was still with the Winchesters, Cas left us two days ago, saying he had important things to do. As for us three, we where somewhere on a road full speed to save some guy named Chuck.

"Hey are you still mad about leaving your car with Bobby?" Dean caught my attention as Sam glanced my way. "Yes I'm still mad, I don't understand why I have to let you drive me around." Sam cut in this time "It's for the best, since last time you went on your own we where worried something bad happened."

"We?" I leaned forward, in between both of them. "Can you really say you're concerned, like are you good now? Or are you still pissed about Dean and I fucking?" Dean almost drove of the road and Sam gave me a horrified expression. "I was never mad, I mean I was but it's because you didn't tell me you two where together like that." Dean stayed silent, and Sam looked at me expectantly "Sam..."

"If you wanted to know what we where doing you could have joined us." This made Sam turn every shade of red, and Dean started sweating like crazy. "Chill it was a joke." Sam inhaled sharply, trying to calm down, while Dean alternated between opening the windows and messing with the Radio. "So who is this Chuck?"

-Time Skip-

"Sam! and Dean." Sam moved a step back as he greeted someone called Becky. Dean however seemed pissed. "Why are we here? Where's Chuck?" "Oh he's inside with everyone else, you have to see it it's amazing." She looked up at Sam who in return looked at me, secretly asking for help. "What the hells so amazing?"

She turned to look at me, doing a double take, as if she just noticed I was there. "Who are you?" "I work with them." They both looked at me relieved. "It's okay I know you're a hunter, you can use that word around me right Sam?" He nodded mouthing 'go with it' as we started walking inside. That still didn't stop me from asking Dean who he hell Becky was. "It's a long story but this guy named Chuck is a prophet of God who wrote books about us and-"

As soon as we walked in someone jumped out in a cheaply made werewolf mask. I looked up at Dean, and he just shook his head disapprovingly. Then I saw something weirder, several cheap knockoffs of every monster I encountered so far, not to mention Dean and Sam Winchester lookalikes. "What the hell is going on here..."

I saw Sam and Dean started talking to this shorter guy, he seemed nervous and they seemed pissed. So I left them and started walking around the place, trying not to draw attention to myself. "That's the best Ruby costume I've seen so far!" A tall men, with what I assumed was a wig of Sam's long ass hair on his head, approached me. "Who?"

Another guy came out, his lips puckered together in a poor attempt of a blue steel. Probably Dean. "I'm afraid you have to stay away from my baby bro, you evil bitch." Whatever this was definitely pissed me off, and this asshole wasn't helping. But just as I started inching closer to beat his sorry ass I was dragged back by Dean. "Sorry, but find yourself someone else, she's with me."

I started walking but I didn't ask until we where a long ways from anyone "What the hell is all this? I've seen a lot of weird shit but this tops it all." "I know it's a convention over some books about Sam and I." I remember him telling everyone something before we walked in, but I didn't expect anything like this. "Am I in them?" He shrugged, before we heard a scream upstairs.

Sam was already up there by the time we made it, along with several other people. Dean moved past them, telling them to step back. Sam leaned over me, Becky coming up next to him "Its a game, solve the mystery and you win a price, so I'm sure you two will win." She got closer, and Sam moved further away, backing up towards me.

"This is stupid, let's get the hell out of here." I started walking with Dean and Sam slowly on our tail, but something stopped me midway. It was the same guy from before, the short guy they where talking to, and he called me over by name. "Chuck was it?" He laughed nervously, giving me a small nod, reaching a hand to me but choosing to retract it last minute. "You where so different, but in a bad way, h-how... How did you get out?"

He looked at me with pity rather than fear, and he looked sorry, like he did something bad to me. "What are you talking about? Is this about the books or something?" "Have you talked to him yet? No no of course you have I already know that, but just don't trust him." What the hell is he talking about? "Seriously what's going on I don't understand."

"You need to leave. Right now, and don't come back, specifically to the Winchesters." "I'm not leaving them, they need my help, besides they're my friends." He reached up to my head, this time placing his palm on my forehead. Suddenly I could feel my body go numb, and all at once, I started to remember.

The earth was so cold, colder than the rain that tapped my exposed burning flesh. Cooling of the hot surface, making white clouds fill the air in the empty street. There was a house not to far from here, and I could hear them, two adults and a child, vulnerable to corruption not easily burning to my touch.

I snuck in. Through the thin concrete walls that barely concealed their thoughts. I could hear them think, I could see them walk, and move. Time by time I came back and talked to the child, asked her to let me in, and finally after some time I had my vessel. A vessel pure enough to not rot away on the first use.

I killed with the body, on a rampage for a month, and after Satan himself told me the vessel was a reincarnation he was fond of I knew I couldn't get rid of it. Over time the soul became so weak, and now all that's left is my empty shell, one I've used all this years with the last fragmented memory engraved. The only thing keeping me human.

My eyes stung as tears rolled down my eyes, a cold sweat rolled down my temple as I felt my entire body collapse. Chuck was here to carry me, and there was one thing I wanted to ask. "The thing that did that, it's me, I just didn't remember... So what am I?" He placed a hand over his mouth, shaking his head gently. "Archangel. One that was very loyal to Lucifer, the only female that sided with him."

"You said I should leave. Why?" I could see Dean and Sam where still talking, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Sam looking at me. "Sam is not okay, and bad things are coming for him, you know who's going to want him more than anything." "Maybe I can help, I don't really know what being an Archangel is but I saw how strong Castiel was."

"You're a lot stronger, which is worse, because Lucifer will turn you against them."
I could definitely feel a change in my body after Chuck did something to my memory "Why? I'm not bad. I can change. Whatever happened before is different. I'm in control." "For how long? When you met him something made you trust him, now that you're memory and power is restored what makes you think you can't control it?" I didn't, I had no idea this was what I was, or how to control it, but I can't trust myself right now. "I erased your memory, so Lucifer wouldn't find you, and when your vessel went to hell... You should go for now."

"I just want to tell them I'm leav-" "Don't, they'll try to look for you. Just stay low until I tell you, when I know you're ready." How long would that be? What if I was never ready? I blinked a few time, hot tear drops falling on my jacket, as Chuck gave me a pitied look. "Here just... Close your eyes, and visualize the place you want to go."

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