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I woke up with Dean below me, he looked uncomfortable and also very naked. I was slightly less naked, since he somehow managed to get his jacket over me so there was something between us. I was practically sitting on him with my thighs straddling his hip. So if I was being honest I needed to get up before anything provoked me.

I found my clothes discarded on the floor and I quietly dressed myself. I was kind enough to throw his jacket on his body, giving me some relief of 'little Dean'. I had successfully dressed myself before he woke up, then I felt a strong grip yanking me back by my arm. "Why the hell are you up so early..." I looked at the clock and groaned smacking his hand away. "It's fucking eight in the morning, so it's not that early."

I handed him his clothes, which I was kind enough to collect for him and clean off anything suggestive. "We need to go, I could drive while you get dressed." I expected him to flat out say no, and how I couldn't drive because of some sexist shit, but I was wrong. "Yeah that's fine, Sam's gonna have our asses if we don't get there in time." I moved to the drivers seat and he started dressing in the back, his legs moving up as he tried slipping his underwear on.

-time skip because we're trying to go fast like sonic-

It was distracting to see Dean dress the rest of the way, but when he finally finished I had safely driven us back to the motel. It was no surprise Sam was waiting for us outside. We got out of the car like little kids afraid of their dad, and honestly after what we did I wouldn't blame him. "Where the hell where you." I swallowed hard trying to come up with an excuse. "Cow tipping, Dean suggested it."

Dean shot me a dirty look and Sam went from pissed to confused in five seconds. "I'm not even-you know what..." he inhaled sharply shaking his head as he walked towards the impala. "So last night I did some research, and get this, the eyes where gauged out not burned out." Dean and I were practically sweating in our shoes, I mean either Sam really didn't care or was too much of a nerd to realize what was up.

"Maybe it's a vengeful ghost?" I muttered, Sam shrugged shaking his head. It was so uncomfortable somehow, like hey dude I just had sex with your bro but that's cool right? "Honestly I can't really think of a lot? So until you check the body we can't exactly tell." I nodded walking past them awkwardly to head inside and I ended up crashing into Cas. "Oh sorry, I sensed your presence and as negative as it is, I came to see if you where ready to go."

I rolled my eyes walking past him but he followed me. "Dude you seriously wanna come with?" He didn't do anything but glare at me. "Okay then, I'll get my bag and we can go." I felt his hand gripping my arm before I even saw it, his body was extremely close to mine, and his face kept coming closer. "You smell different." Please don't say I smell like sex. "You need to learn about personal space."

He tilted his head, and for a moment I saw him struggle to keep himself from smiling. "You remind me of Dean. He's a very good man." Kinda awkward since last nice I said the same thing last night, but in a different context. "Yeah he is. Umm could you maybe let go?" He nodded awkwardly stepping back, not long however Sam walked in practically fuming. And he didn't dare look in my direction.

Dean followed quietly behind him glancing at me for a moment and then Sam turned around to face me. The amount of tension felt awful so I did what any responsible adult would do. I ran away, taking an angel with me for protection. I awkwardly waddled to my car ignoring my name being called, I didn't care who it was, I wasn't about to be in any brotherly crossfire.

Cas understanding got in the car, quietly sitting. After a while I stopped thinking about how Sam looked ready to kill something, and I turned on the radio almost forgetting Cas was still here. "You have the same music taste as De-" before he could finish I changed the station so damn fast my finger might have broken.

I didn't want to hear about the Winchesters for a while. Instead heart of glass started playing and Cas turned fully to look at me, my face glued to the road ignoring his intense glare. "Put your seat belt on it's not safe."

"Why are you avoiding them?" Why? Well maybe because I fucked his brother last night even when I knew Sam held feelings for me before I went to hell. "It's complicated, but I just don't want to be there when Sam explodes." Cas looked at me horrified turning around to look behind him. "No no it's a metaphor. Anyways are you hungry I'm feeling awfully empty inside."

Cas chuckled, the sound alarming and enduring at the same time. "You're actually funny." I mocked his laugh driving into the parking lot of a local restaurant. When I parked Cas followed me in, even when I told him I could just go get something quick. But he insisted on coming withI'm me.

"Table for two I take it?" The waitress smiled at us, a wicked grin to happy to be real. I could smell soap and heavy perfume, and she clearly looked high maintenance. I hesitantly nodded following her to our assigned seating. Cas quietly mumbled something while I ordered, but as soon as she left he repeated it. "There's something off about her."

"No doubt, no ones this happy to be serving grease." Cas and I agreed to watch her for the remainder of our "breakfast". Which was mostly me eating and Cas glaring. "So do you not eat or something?" He turned his attention to me, his glare softening to a more surprised look.

"No I do not. I understand it's necessary fo-" "so you've never tried cherry pie?" He looked alarmed, almost like I told him he missed out on something critical. "Look I already ordered mine, so just this once I'll share it."

"That's really kind of you. Thank you." He smiled and gazed in my direction, less threatening than when we first met. "Anyways once were done here we can go to the morgue, and please let me do the talking." He nodded like the child he was, but the relaxed innocent look he had quickly changed to a concentrated glare.

"Enjoy your dessert, and have a wonderful day."
The smile was so wide and forced it looked like she'd split in two. I smiled back, afraid of what she'd do if I didn't. Cas tried the pie, which was funny because he asked for more, even when I finished the rest. We payed headed out and just as Cas opened the door for me I saw it.

The green glint in the waitresses eyes, glaring daggers at me. Or rather past me, at Cas. He however didn't notice, to preoccupied in telling the whole restaurant the pie was delicious. I continued to observe her while I walked off, even through the glass. But all I could get before I left was she was a witch, more than likely the one behind the eye gauging.

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