You again

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I walked through the cemetery brushing chunks of dirt off my torn up clothes. The humidity made the air thick with precipitation. And the cold night breeze blew through me chilling me to the core. As if being dead didn't feel that way already. My stomach was rumbling and my body was weak. At this rate I would end up dead no longer than I'd been alive.

I walked out into an empty street and walked until I came across an open store. I didn't care what it was at first but after seeing it was a men's warehouse I decided to stay and "shop" for something to wear.
I picked out things to cover me from the cold wind and dressed. I threw my old clothes in the trash that by now had rotten away and had moss growing around the edges.

I looked at the cashier that was reading a magazine and silently apologized for what I was about to do. I gruffly walked up and knocked him of his chair. His nose was bleeding already as I kicked him again knocking him out completely. I walked around him to the Cash register as I emptied the box and walked back through the store getting a few more things and a bag to carry it all in.

I've stolen before but only because I was robbed but now I didn't even have my car or any hunting supplies. I was basically a sitting duck waiting for hell to miss me and send hellhounds after my sorry ass. I left the store before looking up at the corner of the room the security camera being the only witness. I decided to leave it untouched as I left the store.

Outside it was cooler and the thick material build for a rough hike on the mountains did the trick. I continued to walk around encountering a few people on the street as I hung my head low. I hadn't exactly taken the time to look at myself in the mirror but what little glimpse I got showed how messed up my hair and was. So I'm sure I looked like a drug addicted hobo. I reached a twenty four hour gas station.

I walked inside only getting the essentials and paying for it this time. I had picked up the only scissors they had and a black comb as I went to the bathroom. I washed my hair with hand soap and after drying it with the hand dryer I started trimming away the worse knots. After washing my face I finally realized how much my face had changed.

It wasn't the same plain face that used to have a few pimples and girly qualities. I was a full blown woman and I hadn't even seen my face change over the years. I could barely recognize myself. My lips where fuller my face was sharper my eyes seemed well rested. Considering I had the longest nap of all time... I looked different it's like I went through hell puberty over the years and came out of the oven steaming hot.

I also noticed that despite my body's weak state I somehow had more defined features. And yes larger breasts. The clothes weren't huge on me so it didn't look too bad, not that I ever cared for fashion in the first place. I left the bathroom and went to the other side of the store that had a food bar. I took out a ten dollar bill buying a cheeseburger and a coffee. After looking around for a while I noticed the car parked outside the store. A 67 Chevy Impala, I knew cars a little too well after spending time with... "Dean?"

I looked around the store and walked back and forth a few times. I glanced back outside and saw the car still parked so that'd mean he would still be in the store. I heard giggling followed by a low chuckle coming from the cash register. There he was his usual flirtatious self being swooned by the cute enough cashier. I waited until he finished talking and I followed him outside. But I wasn't expecting the girl to beat me to it.

Here was my opportunity to get help and I was acting like a shy self conscious prat. I walked straighter towards him ignoring the girls disgusted glance. "Can I help you?" He turned away from the girl to face me. "Actually yes. You might not remember me but I remember you." He looked at me up and down smiling "A lot of girls say that." I scoffed exhaling sharply "I was you brothers girlfriend." He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to the girl. "Sorry never mind, but I'll call you."

The girl stomped back inside glancing at me with a disgusted look. He motioned for me to get in the car. I opened the car door and say inside as he followed staring the engine and driving off. "You dated Sammy? When was this?" I looked out the window "I lied I just needed to get rid of your ridiculous excuse for a hooker." He looked at me giving me a frightened look "relax Dean I'm not a demon."

"Then who are you?" I placed my hands on my lap "(f/n) we solved the case in Colorado with the  monster populated town." This didn't make him look any better. He almost looked unsure of himself as he looked down at the steering wheel for a moment. "She died, I confirmed it so who the hell are you." I raised my hand smacking his head "Listen jackass your not the only one who got out of hell."

His look was priceless as he stopped the car in the middle of the road pulling over to a supermarket parking lot. "How do you know about that?" I shook my head facing him "how could I not with that loud ass angel." His eyes widened a little as he realized something "(f/n). That (f/n). I thought it was someone else you look so different." I rolled my eyes "and here I thought I was unique. Listen I need your help. I'm pretty sure all my shit was stolen or burned in my absence and I wasn't cremated so I don't know where the hell I am."

"A town outside of Missouri, and that's fine by me." He started the car up again driving of to the hotel he told me they where staying at. "You've been dead for ten years. Who got you out?" I turned up the music "I did it myself. It's not exactly a trip to the park but it did pay off." He looked at my face again squinting his eyes "I can't even recognize you, I mean how are you still in one piece?" I shrugged shaking my head slightly "I pulled a few strings and rode a hellhounds ass out of hell with my soul."

He laughed slightly as I looked at him "you haven't exactly matured since I last saw you. You where like fifteen?" "Seventeen." "And now your what... Twenty something?" "Twenty seven genius, and look it's a big shock for me too I don't even look like myself anymore it's like I'm possessing another damn body." He patted my shoulder pulling up to the hotel driveway. "I take it that isn't  your pick for prom right?" I looked down at my clothes shaking my head. "It's not like I had a prom to begin with."

I got out of the car with my bad over my shoulder. "If I hadn't found you tonight I would have knocked out the staff and slept inside a salt circle." He locked his car and walked me inside to find their room. "Well there's two beds so that won't be necessary." He opened the door looking for Sam as he heard a response from the bathroom. "He's taking a shower well just have to wait." I sat on the couch with Dean as he put his feet up on the table.

"We didn't have the two bed luxury last time." I said as he grinned "you refused to sleep with me or Sam so you slept on the floor until we got a room the next day in the room next to yours." I laughed remembering the two of them sleeping on the same bed. "Thanks for paying for it by the way." I heard the door open as Sam came out in only a towel before shyly stepping inside the room.

"Come on man I though you said you'd get another room if you brought back a girl." I stood up and as soon as he saw me he smiled "(f/n)." Dean stood up looking at him "how the hell did you know? She barely recognized herself?" I nodded in agreement smiling awkwardly at Sam. "She just looks older, how does she not recognize herself?" I pointed at Dean "we where roomies in hell." He made a slight oh with his mouth looking back at Dean that just nodded his head.

"Well I'm sure you could use all the help you can get. So feel free to stay as long as you need." I noticed now how much they had changed. It was different to see myself look older so drastically but Dean was older than me and Sam was younger. And when I met them Sam had shorter hair and Dean looked smaller.  Now they look so different. And before I only saw them as brothers of my own and nothing more than friends. But the way Sam looked in that towel and Deans occasional lip licks would change my perspective pretty quick.

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