The morning after...

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I woke up with Deans arms flung across my face, I reeked of alcohol and I felt sore. what the hell... "Dean, wake up." at this his ginormous hand collided with my mouth "Shut up I was sleeping." I pushed his hand of me and crawled of his lap. "I know for sure I didn't screw you last night. I wasn't that drunk." he scoffed rolling his eyes at my sneaky attempt of 'complimenting' him. "Well I drank some before I went looking for you. We didn't do anything sexual."

"Well what the hell was I doing? giving you a lap dance?" he shook his head frantically "You just sat there looking at me until I fell asleep, which was weird..." I snorted remembering that much "I was connecting the dots with your freckles." he gave me an odd look mouthing 'freckles?' I waved my hand as to brush it off. Just then Sam tapped on the glass much to Deans protest "Room service, hope I didn't interrupt anything." he gave us a sly smile full of enough implication to sink my fist in. "Sam don't make me punch you."

he opened the door and I jumped on the back seat. "It took me about five minutes to catch up with you Sam, honestly slow down I'm getting old." he looked inside spotting me from the start "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" nice first talk old man "I could say the same to you, How are you Bobby pin?" he rolled his eyes as the two brothers looked at each other. "Do you guys want a room?" i whacked Dean on his head focusing my attention on the ignored folder in Bobby's hand. "What you got there?"

"The case file for the hunt. You in?" I shrugged biting my thumb "They're my ride." he nodded handing Sam the folder, he stepped back when Dean started the engine. but when the dust cleared he moved to my window "I know you still blame yourself. If it means anything... to help your conscience I forgive you." Even as I smiled it off and threw my arms in the air It still meant Bobby didn't hate me. "Aww ol' man you're gonna make me cry." with a smile Dean drove off turning on the radio. soon we where a far ways ahead from town and I had to crack.

The silence was really a wonderful thing this early in the morning. "Well shit man, if I'm helping I should know what I'm dealing with." Dean barely missed a stop sign trying to grab the file from Sam. "I'm curious too man. let me see." Sam shook his head and smiled "just wait until we eat, besides we don't have to rush."

"Sammy give me the fucking file before I punch your balls." he kindly took his sweet time handing it back to me. honestly I could see why. "angels? that's what we are dealing with..." Dean raised and eyebrow clearly as confused as I "It's a small case and yes it has to do with angels." he gave me a 'Yes they are a thing' look that was very irritating on his part. "Oh honey. Spend as much time as I did in hell and angels won't surprise you."

"Yeah I know a guy, hope this isn't about the apocalypse crap again." My ears burned at the mention of the apocalypse. "You know down under there was a lot of talk about that shit. man I hope you like being worn..." the two brothers exchanged looks, turning in unison they managed to ask calmly. "How do you know about that, about me being a vessel." I furrowed my brow shaking my head "Dean I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Sam. You see Lucifer is planing to break out and wear Sammy as a prom dress. Thus the apocalypse begins."

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