Tipsy night

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I don't exactly remember anything after I was woken up by Sam. He asked me if I wanted him to carry him but I was too tired and confused to say anything so I mindlessly moved on my own. Once we got past the casino on the first floor we made it to our shared room. I continued moving like a zombie until Dean turned on the lights.

It was like something out of a movie. And a sexual, you must be over twenty to come in, kind of movie. The room was red and the beds where very large. There where rose petals leading to each one and the middle one had a bucket with iced champagne. The other two had wine glasses. There was ropes and silk threats on the bed, and chains and chocolates and bath bombs and the smell was just overwhelming.

I don't want to move anything honestly because I was tired and because it all looked too pretty and without thinking it I dropped to the floor using my bag as a pillow. "What are you doing you can't sleep on the floor." "Hmm." I felt footsteps walk over to me as he picked me up and carried me to one of the beds. He moved the things there as I flipped over on my side. "My head hurts and I'm tired..." I didn't care where I was or why I was there but the throbbing headache won and soon enough I passed out.

-time skip-

I woke up the blankets covering me as I turned to my side to find Dean facing me from the other bead. I was surprised and in the process of getting out of bed and getting up I ended up knocking over a basket in the corner of the bed. I got out of bed to pick it up quietly as I realized where I was. Not only did the room itself yelled sex chamber with a warning sign there was a pole in the middle of the room, the room it self looked like a strip club. Not that I would know... "What the hell?" I realized that all this time I was in fact picking up bottles of lubricant and putting them in the basket. This woke Dean up and he seemed just as confused as I was.

"What the hell is this?" His hair was flying in every direction and the fuzzy look made his thundering voice seem anything but demanding. "And where the hell is Sam?" He looked to the other empty bed and heard the door open. Sam was already dressed. Well more than Dean and I were since at some point I took of my jeans and Dean only slept in his boxers. "Sam do you know where we are?" "Dean ordered the "special" room for us." He pointed in every direction as he brought the plate of food to the small table near the living room like section of the room.

"Well I didn't think of it that way, I mean I thought he was hitting on (f/n) when he winked at her and gave me a thumbs up but now I see his point of view." He got up and by now I remembered the most comfortable part of hanging out with them. They didn't care what we looked like and what we did or said to each other. They also didn't see me as a woman who needed to constantly mind her manners. Even as Dean handed me the monstrous plate of food Sam brought us each he didn't hesitate to eat his fill as well.

"So I actually stumbled across a small case here." Dean looked at me then at Sam waiting for him to go on "the men have been found dead around town after they went to a certai-" "it's our time of Sam the least I want to do is anything that has something to  do with monsters." Dean glanced back at me then back at his brother. "But it's all up to you..."

"Sure, I don't mind." He looked at me with a seriously look. "We could have had a vacation thanks to you." I shrugged grinning at him. He shook his head as he grabbed his things and came back walking past Sam and opening the door walking past us. "So what are we not leaving or something?" I looked at sam as he looked at me smiling. "Come on let's go, quicker we leave quicker we come back." I turned around stoping Sam from leaving the room "you might want to wait until Dean and I are booth dressed."

-time skip-

We where at the bar I was eating and the two brothers where drinking sitting next to me on the bar as we played poker. Off course the only reason I was sober was because two exotic dancers made their way to the seats next to the winchesters. Sam was not entirely drunk even as he managed to slur out some words "D-do you mind? I'm not making you uncomfortable. Because I'd be sad and I'm sorry you're my best friend and I'm gonna fall of this stool." I pushed his sagging shoulders to a halt. "Dean." I tapped on his shoulder as I tried to get Sam to sit up. "I'm going to drive Sammy back to the hotel. Should I pick you up?" He just nodded as he turned back to talk to one of the girls. I rolled my eyes picking Sam up with the brute strength I developed on my hunts.

"God what do you eat, you weigh a ton." I walked him into the parking lot settling him in the front seat. I drove him and myself back to the hotel until we got to our room did I leave him walk on his own. I brought him a glass of water and I sat myself next to him on the leather couch. I pulled up a bucket of ice cream and open the lid digging in with my spoon. "So that's your way of drinking?" I shrugged Getty a spoonful of ice cream. "You know he still loves you." I stopped reaching for the remote when he brought it up "Sam he barely recognized me, besides I'm not his type anymore." He gave me a look that basically threw sass up in your face. "(F/n) he still likes you, occasionally he'll bring you up. I mean the guy can't stop listening to the same song everyday because of you."

"You're exaggerati-" "no I'm not he remembered you, but he just doesn't want to freak you out by saying something stupid." It was hard to imagine Dean as the mushy kind of person but then again there where a lot of thing I didn't know about him "like what?" He sat up like a not so little kid on the couch, "you remembered that one time he got drunk and started serenading the impala? Yeah that kind of thing..." we booth blurted out laughing trying to keep our voices down "no no, but my favorite thing is when he puckers his lips and makes that one pouty face." Sam mimicked something that looked close to a blue steel and we just laughed harder clutching our sides.

"You're always so serious it's hard to have any fun with you." He gave me a stern look that could scare away a puppy "hey I'm fun, it's just your fun and Dean's fun involves playing pranks on me." I shook my head snickering to my self "I still can't believe you where bald, I mean you look like a hippie." He let out a loud laugh as he pulled up a peace sign. "This probably wouldn't work with Dean... he wants to keep you to himself." I wrinkled my nose furrowing my brows a bit "what do you mean?" He stood up pretending to yawn as he headed to his bed "I like you too it's just Dean likes you more and he said some funny things about it. He's weird when he's alone and you're around just like before."

"Wait Sam what are you talking about?" He shrugged laying down on the bed "he was really sad when you left and the only time he ever stoped playing the same song was when he found out you died, he just wasn't himself." I'd never think either one of them would care, but if Dean did that I'd feel like crap for not calling him before I died. "I heard when you turned him down, you said you weren't ready for that kind of relationship and after that he started going out more." He layer his head down pulling up the covers. "But he said he was over it and he wouldn't bother you about it."  I was confused and full of guilt, I remember that did happen. I knew about my deal and how long I had, and if I dragged him into it I'd only make his life worse. He even offered to leave it all behind as long as I stayed with him.

"Sam did he ever mention me to your dad..." he was asleep, he was passed out with a calm expression on his face. I'd feel bad if I disturbed him so I just went to the couch and laid down as I skimmed through the Tv. Soon enough even the thought of sleeping left me with a sour taste in my mouth. The guilt of hurting someone I still loved.

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