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When I got the place the vampires told me about I could sense some strange shit was happening. Considering I could hear screams coming from the barn a mile away. But I stayed low, I didn't know what I was walking into and I wouldn't rush in to a pit of hell. Whoever these people where they didn't sound friendly.

I watched for about half an hour, and in that time the screams never failed to make me more eager to go in. Until finally I heard it. A name I didn't think I'd hear in a while, and I knew exactly who it was that screamed it. Without hesitating I made my way inside, there wasn't anyone else here, no guards at the entrance or on the hall. Just the faint noise of wiring barely audible by Sam's screams.

I heard someone on the phone, a female voice a few meters from me. When I finally got close enough the person stood up. They opened a door, and started heading down to a basement, where the screams finally stopped. I headed closer, cautiously enough to not be seen or heard. I couldn't use a gun because they would hear, and even if I brought it with me they could take it. I didn't know how well they where armed but I doubt they'd have a gun. Maybe a knife?

I decided on leaving most of my things hidden in the hallway, covered by my jacket. "-not cooperating fast enough." I could hear her talking, but as long as she kept yelling she wouldn't hear me come down. I managed to go down the stairs, and within reach of her I grabbed her hair. She yelled back as I dragged her down shoving my knee into her spine. I saw her hands reach for her pocket, but my feet where faster.

I stepped on her hand and kicked the knife away from her. I still had her hair so I brought her face up and elbowed her eye socket. She spat at me, give me threatening eyes, but I didn't see her leg reach up to kick my knee. I didn't fall, but I did flinch and let go of her hair. In that small frame of time she landed a punch in my nose, hitting me hard enough to draw blood. At that moment I don't know what face I made but I could see her take a step back as I wiped my face. "Really?"

She pursed her lips, giving me a disgusted look "I think it only seemed fair. Letting you have your glory." I swung my arm so hard towards her face that it made my entire fist throb with pain. But the damage I left felt better. I grabbed her by the face this time, connecting my knee with her face several times until her face turned into a bloodied mess. She tried crawling away, but that only made it open to kick her in her rib cage. "What where you saying earlier bitch?"

She gave me a groan in response, falling to the ground. I turned around and that's when I saw a barely conscious Sam, sitting on a chair. I walked towards him, crouching down to unlock the chains. "Sammy it's going to be alright, I'll get you out okay? You're safe with me." I stood up, as he barely managed to regain consciousness, trying to hold his head up. I touched his face, brushing some of his hair away from his bruised face.

Within an instant I felt arms wrapped around my neck, and instantly I knew she was up again. "You're tougher than you look short stack." I brought my hands up, grabbing her arms tight. "However I'm a lot stronger." I kicked my legs up and quickly brought them down throwing her over me. She didn't hesitate to stand up, but I kicked her in her  stomach, grabs her in a similar headlock. "You move an inch and I'll break your neck."

"Don't move." I heard a gun click behind me, but I didn't hesitate for a minute to turn around with my hand ready to snap her neck. "Dean." Dean stood with a gun pointed my way, Cas to his left and someone else to his side, and older woman with blonde hair. "(y/n), what are you doing here." "I was around and thought I'd stop by." He didn't look amused, in fact he looked pissed. Cas gave me a small wave, as for the woman, she moved closer, with a kind smile. "Excuse him he's been on edge, I'm Mary, Mary Winchester."

"Oh so you're... It's nice to meet you I'm-" "I know who you are, I saw a picture in Deans car." I gulped hard, and it was just the fact that my organs had been kicked. "Mom?" Sam finally stood up, but one look at me and he seemed to refrain from sending again. "Touching moment, but if you'd please let go of me you brute..." "Shut your mouth if you don't want me to cut your tongue off."

"I wouldn't be so quick on that. Let go of her." We all turned to look at a man on the top of the stairs, holding something in his hand. "Dean that's a-" "I wouldn't move if I where you. I just want to talk for a moment." He gestured at me to hand he woman over, but considering he probably held some sort of bomb I decided to let it go. "She's broken too many rules, you won't see miss Bevell around anymore. You see were part of the British man of letter, and association of hunters in the UK."

"We came to America to see if we can work with American hunters to end this fight once and for all." "What makes you think we'd like to work with you? Specially after you seem to have done so well with us." He averted his eyes, shaking his head slightly as he tried to answer calmly. "I understand we got of on the wrong foot, but-" "No you messed with my family, and I don't want anything to do with people who hurt my kids."

Mary stood next to Sam, giving him a dangerous glare, and I could definitely see where Sam and Dean got that from. But I didn't know how she was alive, I'd have to ask them later... "Well maybe next time." We all walked past them, and I collected my things following close behind as I helped Sam walk, who couldn't stop asking where I was all this time. Throughout the whole time Dean had his back turned, he looked tired, and angry, and completely disgusted to be in my presence.

"Well hope you're okay Sammy, It was nice meeting you Mar-" "aren't you coming with us?" Dean turned around at this, his eyes staring at me expectantly. "No I'm okay, I booked a hotel so-" "If you're a friend of my sons I'd like to get to know you, and properly thank you." Sam mouthed please behind her, and I could almost read Cas's mind when he looked at me. Not that I didn't avoid doing so with Dean, any direct eye contact would probably result in a fight.

"I didn't like the hotel anyways, and the food didn't sound as promising as a home cooked meal." She laughed lightly, patting Sam on his back as she walked back to Dean, who has sat himself in the car the moment I said yes. Sam walked over to Cas and said something, while he walked closer to me. "I'm riding with you." I held my hands up, stepping aside as Sam limped to the passenger seat.

"I don't see why you'd like to ride with me since you practically hate my car for being so-" He was already inside, but he seemed a little nervous, so I walked around getting in and waiting for him to start talking. "Come on I know you have something to say." He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he glanced back at Dean driving off. "A lot has happened since you left."

I started driving when he hesitated to continue, but I didn't dare my hand to turn on the radio. "Why did you leave?" I swallowed hard, gripping my hands tightly on the steering wheel. "Many reasons, mostly because I didn't want to hurt you both," he stared at me calmly, something Dean couldn't have done, he would have started screaming by now. "It's complicated, but I just didn't want to stick around, I guess now that I'm here I can't disappear that easily."

"I hope so. I've... We've missed you."

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