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The walk back to the hotel was shorter than I wished it was. I was still burning up, like an itch in my skin that wouldn't come off, but I was still shaking. From fear that if I did anything he might not want, it would cost my friends life. And under no circumstance did I want them to get involved.

I unlocked the door, and hopped both Sam and Dean where gone since the impala wasn't parked where I left it. But Dean greeted me with a beer at hand. I set the food down, and quickly walked my way to the bathroom. "Are you taking a shower?" I could only nod as I stood frozen in the doorway, hopping I didn't have to face him. "Did something happen, because you look like you've seen a ghost." It took me longer than I wished to have come up with an answer and I guess that was the wrong move because he walked towards me and I was forced to turn around.

"I'm just really tired, all that driving really-" "bullshit, something happened and I want to know what." He had a different change of clothes than he did when I left, and his hair looked slightly damp. He no longer smelled which meant he took a shower, and the fresh smell of mint was intoxicating. "I guess you beat me to the shower." I looked down at my shoes, trying hard to forget Lucifer's words with every passing moment I looked at him. "Don't dodge the question, what happened."

"I wish I could tell you but this is personal stuff, things I can't just tell anyone." "So I'm no one?" I swallowed hard, trying to not think of how full of hurt those words where. "No it's just, I can't get you involved." He stayed quiet, and after a minute his hand reached my face as he came closer and hesitated for a moment before kissing me.

I felt the curiosity, the yearn, the sadness behind his kiss. It was soft and warm, and it had been years since I last kissed Dean, it was one of the few things I missed. When he broke away he looked down at me, his face somewhere between scared and regretful. "I'm sorry. I don't know why, I'm sorry, if you're still mad about the bull rider night with that girl then I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "Shut up Dean."

I came closer wrapping my arms around him in a hug, a hug I wanted and was too afraid to ask for. A hug that protected him from anything bad that might happen if I screwed things up. "You never have to apologize for kissing me." I felt his chest rise from the sharp intake of air, and he kissed my head letting out a sight of f relief. "Let's just focus on the case, come tomorrow we're one step closer to catching Lucifer." I stepped back giving him a quick pat as I went in the bathroom. Regardless I couldn't think about anything other than how nice it felt to be close to Dean again. Which made lying all the more difficult.

-time skip-

"Why's he here?" Despite Mick getting us coffee I was still concerned, and not just because I saw the tension between him and Dean. "I'm here to help." "Yeah just don't get in the way." I placed my hand on his shoulder squeezing lightly all the while digging my nails in. "You know how to shoot a gun?" He nodded proudly. "Good then you won't die." Sam mouthed a 'hopefully' and Dean only huffed aggravated.

We where on our way to hunt the said werewolves with Mick Davies, a man of letters from Britain. The same dicks that almost killed Sam. So I had resent but I knew arguing with Mick was just sad, he wasn't that bad, and knew how to do his research. Which meant more free time for everyone specially Sam. So I tried to ease Dean to not blow up, much to Sams prior request.

"You need to calm down, it's just like a regular job alright?" He looked at me, his green eyes a perfect window reflecting annoyance. We walked to the room where the attacked victim was in, but not before Dean scolded Mick to stay out of the way. I stood by the door, ready to write anything down. "FBI, we just have a few questions for your daughter-" "Let her sleep, she's tired."

"We just want to ask a few questions." "No, I said no." Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Mick walk in, a white coat over his clothes. "Hello there, I'm just going to take a look at her wounds." We all stared at him, shocked and from my part surprised. "And who are you?" Sam and Dean looked at him expectantly "oh her Doctor is busy I'll be substituting for him today, now if you could please step out for a moment."

We all waited outside, I waited with Sam and Dean as we talked to the lady. "From one mother to another could you tell us what exactly happen, I know this might be hard on you but we need to know." I could practically feel Sam and Dean screaming what the hell you don't have kids but it seemed to buy her over. "I just never even knew where they where you know? She was supposed to be at a friends house, and he was..."

I gave her an earnest look, waiting until she regained composure. "But I just keep thinking this is a nightmare and I'm going to wake up, that none of this is real." Can't say I don't relate. "People kept saying it was a bear attack, even had a fish and wildlife ranger come investigate, like I was going to buy that she was almost my own daughters age." Sam and Dean exchanged a look, a look I was familiar with. One that meant they knew something I didn't.

"Do you remember what she looked like." "Blonde, had a real nasty attitude." Mick came back just in time, telling us about her current situation "so she's alright, nothing serious." The lady went back in the room, leaving us to discuss wether or not she was bitten. "No bite, she's a lucky girl."

"Well that's taken care of, as for the other thing, blonde hair bad attitude, does that sound like anyone we know?" Sam rubbed a hand on the bridge of his nose. "Claire." I felt like I heard the name but never the face. "Who's this Claire." Dean pulled out his phone, as Sam briefly explained she knew Jody.

What followed next was a voice impersonation of Dean trying to sound like Yogi Bear, and a drive back to the fancy hotel Mick upgraded us to. From there I was met with a blonde girl in her teens, shorter than me and about twice as cocky as I was when I was younger. She knew the Winchester's well, and by the looks of it so did they. "Who's this?" She gestured at me, I was for the most part out of the conversation and more intrigued in the glass of tequila currently in my hand, courtesy of Mick.

"This is a friend of ours, she's a hunter." She looked at me up and down, as I only raised my glass. "Haven't seen you around, how come I never met you before?" She referee it towards Sam and Dean rather than myself, but nonetheless I answered her. "The only place you could have met me in was in hell, and I've only been back for a few months, so I doubt we'd have met."

"You're kidding right?" It wasn't a question posed to sound impressed rather than annoyed at the far fetched answer. "I shit you not I've got my own check in card, both heaven, hell and on a good day purgatory." She looked at both of them trying to find some truth in my words. "Trust me she's not joking, anyways Claire why are you here?" She dodged the question straight away, asking to go to the morgue like we where going to the mall.

"Ya closed by know, besides when was the last time you had a decent meal." Sam spoke up, getting her attention "and microwaveable's from gas stations don't count." Dean made a protest, before I jabbed him in the rib, earning a snort from Claire. He grabbed one of the menus on the table, as he handed it to her "Well go crazy, it's on Harry Potter."

We ended up heading to our separate rooms, at first the three of us, then only Dean and I after Sam said he wanted to do some research with the locals. "If I remember correctly Cas told me his vessel is Claire's dad, and I guess that's how you met her?" Dean was in some sort of trance, staring up at the changing levels. "Dean. Dean are you with me?" "They have a pool here, I bet that's probably really nice."

"I thought you didn't like it here." He shook his head barely whispered an urgent 'no' before a small smile was plastered on his face. "I just don't want to give that asshole the satisfaction." "That's not nice." He stayed quiet for a moment, looking up again at the elevator. "Well I'm not nice, and neither are you." "You wanna go to the pool?" "I take it back."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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