The pizza man

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I waited with Sam inside the impala as Dean stood out waving his arms around like a stupid chicken. "Sam, what is he doing?" Sam shrugged starring at Dean with concern. "I think he's trying to summon the angel." I raised an eyebrow "Like he's praying or something?" he nodded as he handed me another fry. 

We had decided to take the case, but before contacting Dean's friend to ask him about the apocalypse. So Dean just parked by a gas station and started waving his arms around, Sam and I got hungry so we went to get burgers at the drive thru. "How long has he been at it?" I shrugged wiping my hands on his shoulder. He shoved me as I stuck my tongue out, to which he retorted and we ended up laughing at our own childish behavior. 

Just then a hand reached out to grab me. The hand pulled me into a back hug of sorts. Then I felt something sharp against my neck, so not a back hug anymore. "Woah woah what the hell." the body shifted dragging me back. Sam gave a startled shout of help and called out to Dean. "I should be asking the same thing, what the hell are you?" I struggled trying to keep calm. "A disappointment, dude honestly if you're gonna kill me take me to dinner first."

"Cass! stop she's a friend." at this the person behind me lowered the knife but made no attempt of letting me go. "Dean she might be dangerous." "I'm a freaking person you dildo." Dean opened the door urging this 'Cass' person to let me go and get out. "Come on buddy, I have a few questions to ask. wait what do you mean dangerous?"

"Bad of course, listen buddy you don't just appear out of the blue and shove your crotch into my rear. Not to mention you shouldn't play with knives so close to someones neck."I turned around and faced myself with a tall man, shorter than Dean, with black hair and blue eyes. "Nice to meet you tho. I like your coat." Dean snapped his fingers in my direction "Mind telling me why Cass is saying you're a danger?" Oh yeah I forgot about that thing... "Funny thing."

Sam was staring at Cass and Dean as they all formed a circle almost cornering me. "Okay okay, so I din't get out of hell on my own. Your brother helped me." Cass tilted his head as if he din't hear me correctly. "What do you mean? another angel?" "Yeah, that's right I know they're real. with the whole apocalypse thing angels are all the shit in hell." 

"So one of Cass's frat bros helped you out." I nodded pointing at Cass. "Is Cass your real name or just a nickname?" "Will you just tell us the name of the angel that busted you out?" I nodded scratching my nose. "Hard to say, all I know is I heard the loudest noise. Then a light came down to Satan's asshole and next thing I knew I woke up in a graveyard." 

"Did you not get cremated?" I shook my head, maybe it was my imagination but I somehow relieved the tension on Cass when I mentioned an angel. "I didn't hang out with any hunters, I don't have a lot of friends." 

"Cass did another angel save someone like you did with Dean?" Cass shook his head as he turned to face me, somehow his stoic look had vanished and in its place was a shy goofy grin. "My apologies I simply saw someone in Dean's car that didn't look too happy with Sam." I laughed accepting his apology "No worries, that was just screwing around. Names (f/n)." 

"My name is Castiel I'm an angel of the lord and I have befriended the Winchesters." shook his hand and all attention was turned on Dean. "So you haven't heard anything I take it?" "No but I will look into the angel who might have gotten you out of hell. That's just not natural." 

I nodded and luckily Sam did his homework because by now he had pulled out his laptop. "So about the case, we have a few missing women." he showed us his laptop and I could see Cass was struggling to read the words. "Okay so is there any connection?" "The missing part, they all have their heart missing." Sam was almost too proud of his joke.

"Well what do you th-" "I bet you it's a fucking vengeful witch." I could see Cass was a little taken back that I knew about monsters, but my vocab was also surprising. "Why do you say?" For once I was serious about the hunt, but there was no other creature that would take just the hearts of women if not for a sacrifice. 

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