Did you miss me?

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To say the drive with Sam was awkward would be a lie. It was nice to be able to talk to Sam, I forgot we had so much we had in common. Like our unusual interest for lore, or the strange feeling of wanting to workout after a hunt. But more than anything our love for Dean.

"He's been non stop looking for you, even if he doesn't admit it he has, we even went back to the hotel we first met at." I laughed my hand coming up from the steering wheel to keep me from snorting. "I'm serious, and usually all the girls he's dated since then remind me of..."

He stopped midway, like he said too much unintentionally. "Well that's his type, I guess he likes assholes like me that leave without saying goodbye." Sam gave me a pitiful look, the same puppy dog eyes that could get you to do anything for him. "It's alright I'm sure you had your reasons."

"They where really messed up reasons, and I should have said I was alive after all these years." He smiled, giving me a warm smile. I finally had a better look at him, his hair was longer than I remembered. His eyes a never endless storm of colors and emotions, and his face kind and inviting. He seemed like the human version of a hug. And I didn't deserve him.

"Well I'll let it slide." I couldn't look him in the eye without feeling guilty. Not just from leaving but for rejecting him over and over again. But I just laughed it off, and followed his directions the rest of the way until I got us to this 'bunker'. Sam carried my bags, despite me protesting and reaching to grab them since he was still injured.

I saw the impala parked outside, which meant Dean was already here. I almost forgot how pissed he was because of Sam being so quick to accept me coming back. Now that we walked in, Sam chatting me up about how they found the bunker.

I couldn't see Mary anywhere and Cas sadly wasn't here. But I could see Dean fuming with anger, with his arms crossed and his chest heaving when he saw me walk in. Sam stood in front of me defensively, but I walked calmly around him, patting him on the back. "Where's your room Sammy?"

Deans eyes where glued to me as Sam pointed to his room. I reached for my bags, and gestured him to follow me. And even as we walked to Sams room all Dean did was stare in anger.

This place overall was nice, and the hall was wide and confusing like a maze. But when we got to his room Sam stared at me like he wanted to to explain some confusing puzzle. "You're not going to talk to him." "I think you should take a shower and wash off the blood."

"Don't ignore the question, I know you two like each other so don't avoid him, just try to give it time." Last time this happened Sam was there to comfort me as well, and in the heat of the moment he told me he had feelings for me. And the longer he looked down at me, the longer I felt his face come closer.

Until he was an inch away from me, his arms almost hovering above my shoulders. Until I was the one to wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry Sam, for doing this to you again." He hugged me back, placing a hand on my head as he pulled me close enough to his chest where I could hear his frantic heart beat.

"We would've never worked anyways, well not since you like my brother." He chuckled and even if I couldn't see his face I could almost see the forced smile. I felt him take a step back, and when I pulled my arms away I brought them up to his neck bringing his face down to my level. I placed a kiss on his nose, and I saw the hurt leave his eyes as it was replaced with confusion.

"What was that for?" He was smiling and trying to keep his balance in this weird position. "It felt like you where saying goodbye Sam Winchester, so I had to try and break the tension." "I am saying goodbye in a way. But only to winning you over from my brother, who's an idiot that can't express how he feels about you."

"It runs in the family I guess." He scoffed, as we pulled away and sat on the bed. I then tended to his wounds, and cleaned him up as best as I could since he refused to shower. "I almost wish I would have snapped her neck." He said my name in a warning tone, as he tried to keep a straight face. "Hey seriously go talk to Dean, I'm fine I've endured worse."

"So I've heard, well wish me luck." He held a thumbs up as I walked out of the door. Sam hollered something about Dean being in the kitchen, and after some time I found him sitting in a table alone drinking a beer.

He didn't even look up, but he still managed to make me uncomfortable. "Dean I-" "don't try to apologize, it won't fix anything." "That's not what I'm here for." He stayed silent, and seemed to be on the verge of getting up to leave. "Oh that's fine then, I get to hear why you indirectly dumped my ass." I stared at his head, which was still bowed down, resting between his tense shoulders. "Remember Chuck?" He completely dropped the attitude, giving me a confused stare "You mean God? Yeah I remember that pompous dick."

"Well he told me It was dangerous for me to be around you, then he told me I was this one archangels vessel that was a big fan of Lucifer back in the day, but after he zapped me away I ended up in Vancouver without a car or a clue on how to get back, and then after about a month a demon named Crowley told me how my angel had the memory erased completely and now I have the Ángels so called grace but not the will to break Lucifer out of the cage."

He finally looked up, his green eyes bright with surprise and emotion and a mix of confusion. "So then why didn't you come to us?" He was more calm however, and actually softer when he spoke. "Well I didn't know how to use my angel radar to find you guys, and Cas wasn't that helpful, but despite all that I was afraid of leading him to you after I heard about Sam, so I just stayed away."

"You do that a lot. And I always get screwed over." He looked at me and for the first time in years I could see his eyes, eyes that looked lonely. "Sorry Dean, I really am it's just when things are complicated I just... The point is I'm here and I won't leave you or Sam or Cas." He nodded breathing in sharply. "Well Cas did leave and moms getting food, so I say we're good for now."

I remember what Sam said, and how I had to try with Dean, so I pulled out the little rolled up cylinder from my jacket pocket. "I knew how much you like these and I bought this at a gas station in Nevada last week." His eyes lit up when he saw the slinky, and he quickly grabbed it laughing lightly. "We're definitely on good terms."

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