Morning sickness

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I woke up to the sound of Sam making coffe and Dean yelling something about him killing some girl names Kelly. I got up from the couch and walked over to the small kitchen area. "Who's Kelly?" They looked back and forth at each other almost talking amongst themselves in an unspoken language. "The demon killing all those men." I nodded walking around Dean as I grabbed a cup. "Listen she mentioned you. Said she knew what you where." I shook my head pouring myself a cup of coffee "I've never heard of a Kelly, and I wouldn't know what she meant." The way they where staring at me seemed different from their teasing attitudes.

"Dean You don't think I'm bad just because some bitch told you I was?" he bowed his head trying not to make eye contact "oh come on, if I was I would have killed you by know." "I don't know okay? all I know is that you've been dead for ten years and you recently came back like nothing happened." He walked closer taking my arm and dragging me to the bathroom away from Sam. He locked the door and blocked it, preventing me from leaving. "What are you scared of me now?" "No."  he crossed his arms almost sheepishly debating to ask me something, "what do you remember about hell?"

I leaned against the wall away from him "Nothing." He furrowed his brows clenching his jaw "you and I booth know that's a lie." I took a sharp breath clenching my fist every now and then. "So what if I remember? I didn't turn into some monster." He walked forward taping my head "the other night, you hallucinated. Sometimes it happens to me before it used to be Sam." It didn't take me long to realize where the conversation was going "you think I'm next, don't you?" I could see it in his face the repelling look of pity. "The little plan you might have had before about leaving us, yeah that's not happening."

It took me by surprise but Dean had seen right through me. "You've grown up so much since the last time I saw you." I sighed walking towards him "I don't know what's going on frankly I don't know how I got out, I lied about that." He probably already knew but then again my little badass excuse wasn't credible. "I just felt like I had a really long nightmare." He nodded unlocking the door and opening it for us. Sam was calmly sitting on the couch watching some random show and he didn't seem to mind our private conversation. Dean just brushed it off and pretended it didn't happen.

"So does this mean we can go somewhere else?" It was Sam talking and he looked back at me hoping I'd answer him. "Yeah there's nothing else to do here." Dean gave a not so silent curse "damn I really wanted to check out this one casino." Sam laughed looking at Dean who went to sit back with him "didn't you have enough fun last night?" "Shut up, I was getting my ass served by a stripper." "Was there glitter everywhere?" I could hear their voices but they sounded distant, I could see them but they looked blurry. I felt the sweat roll down my skin as my hands clutched tightly on my pants. I was suffocating the room felt cold but I was burning hot. Soon enough my world started to go blank.

I collapsed on my knees as I started to cough uncontrollably, before realizing it was all blood. "Hey you okay there?" I couldn't answer him as I started choking on my own blood. The floor was pooled with blood and I couldn't stop bleeding. "(F/n)?" I was standing and the blood was gone my hands where clean the floor was clean. "Are you alright?" It was Sam that snapped me out of  it when he walked over and gripped on my shoulder. Dean had turned around concerned as well "to be honest..." I could see the worry in his eyes "no I'm not."

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