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I opened the door to my room and we both walked into the peach colored room and I closed the door behind us. I put on my small white lamp on. Then I sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me and Kasey sat down right by me.

"Now. Tell me your troubles. Maybe I can help."

I said smiling at Kasey.

"Well, I'm going to miss everyone here, even Max."

She said with hurt and sorrow.

"I remember when you came here with Max, you told me you found him, and you never told him...will you?"

"Maybe one day........"

she said unsure.

"Is that all that's troubling you Kasey?"

I said mother-like to her.

"No. A boy."

My eyes widened a bit.

"A boy?" I questioned.

Kasey nodded in reply.

"His name is Thomas. He works at some base-camp. I met Thomas 2 years ago and I just- I think we love each other. I love him so much. He's tall, brown hair, unbelievable dark green eyes, like emerald. And he takes my heart away."

She said smiling and blushing as she talked about her lover.

"He sounds like a nice boy."

I spoke back to Kasey.

"He's amazing. Did you ever feel like this, all happy inside. Like you could do anything?"

"Like you can conquer the world?" I added.

"YES!" she said happy.

I nodded with excitement.

"Oh yeah. His name was Gabriel Reyes. He led Overwatch with his friend Jack Morrison."

"wait. you dated someone from Overwatch!!"

Kasey said puzzled.

"All of us were in Overwatch. Just don't tell anyone. The world doesn't really like us."

Kasey still looked puzzled and shocked but I kept on going.

"Anyway, they both led Overwatch and we never really noticed each other. But one day we juts sort of started to like each other. then one night, He took my breath away."

I said smiling softly as I looked down at my hands.

"Oh! what happened?" Kasey said with wonder.


"The music was playing and the whole Overwatch team, we stopped at Dorado to take a break and enjoy the parties that where happening. I was walking down the streets with Gabriel and we held hands and he told me to dress-up for the night so, I did. I wore a white classic dress with a necklace that was gold and it was holding a red gem. then I also wore yellow heels. I swear he gave me that look...."

"What look?"

"sort of 'she's so beautiful'. But anyway, he wore all black, which was a tux, along with black dress shoes. He was so handsome. so he took me into this little restaurant and candles were everywhere and it fit with the night at Dorado. Then he took my hand and asked me if I wanted to dance. I gave him a smile and told him yes. And one song called 'She' was playing. I'm guessing he planned this all out but I just went with it. we danced and I smiled and I knew the whole time he didn't take his eyes off of me."


{this is the part she talking about above}

I held his hands with mine as the music started to play.

"I paid all my dues,
and she wanted to know,
that I'd never leave her,
Now I'm ready to go."

He smiled at me and kissed the top of my hand and spoke.

"Want to dance Angela?"

I gave him a smile and nodded.

"Yes, Gabriel."

Then He took me by the waist and held me close as we went onto the dance floor as the music continued.

"Patience, my enemy,
and loving's my friend,
it's harder to leave,
with my heart on my sleeve,
than to stay and just pretend."

He spun me around as we felt the world move with us as we danced together. Our eyes connected and our feet moved with freedom.

"I made all my plans,
and she has made hers,
she kept me in mind,
but I wasn't sure."

The music kept us dancing together as our bodies held close to one another. I smiled as he dipped me back and then placed me back up.

"Angela. I want you to know, how much you mean to me."

"You as well." I said placing my head on his chest.

I could hear his heartbeat, racing so fast, and so was mine.

"I want to ask you something." He said warmly.

"What is it Gabriel?"

"Angela I-"

Then we both heard a voice.


we both turned our heads and saw one of Gabriel's friends.

"We have to talk."

We held placed on the dance floor and he looked at me and I nodded and kissed his cheek. Then he was off but the music kept playing.

"And like the back of her hand,
she already understands everything,
won't you stay?
she says."


"What happened after that?" Kasey asked.

I gave a sigh.

"He never came back. But two weeks later, I heard the base in Swiss was attacked and Gabriel and Jack, they said they were found heart broke."

I said looking down once more as tears came to my eyes.

"Angela....I'm so sorry."

"It's alright.....I think you should get to's past 2:30."

"right." Kasey said standing up and walking over to the door and opening it.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight Angela." she said smiling and closing the door behind her.

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