Eight teen

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I held her hands together with mine as we sat on the little couch. I could tell she was still in shock. Why wouldn't she be? I left her, alone in the world. Talon...No. she's here now and you are with her.
"Gabriel..." she said looking at me.

"Yes." I said looking at her. 

"Do you still love me? I know this is happening so fast but, I-I need to know."
She said with a mellow and sad tone.

"Yes. I've always loved you. From then, till now. Nothing can stop me from loving you."

I said lifting her head up as my hand held the tip of her chin as we connected eyes. I leaned in close to her lips and she slowly placed a hand on my chest.

"Don't. Please. I don't know if I'm ready for this Gabriel...."

She said turning her head away from me.

"Angela. I'm not tricking you. Do you remember that night in Dorado?"

She turned her head back to me and gave a smile and nodded.

"How could I forget."

Then our eyes connected once more. Then our lips touched.

As Gabriel and I made eye contact as our lips followed. I ran my hands through his hair and then placed them around his neck. I let my wings come off and my armor. I only had my undertone clothes on. Gabriel took of his hood and only had black pants on and no shirt. He picked me up with his arms and carried me into the back of his apartment and went into a maroon bedroom. He softly placed me down on the bed and looked at me. The air-conditioning was set to arctic frost which sent a chill down my spine as Gabriel looked at me from the foot of the bed. He then crawled onto the bed and on top of me as he gave me kisses on the lips. I was falling under his touch.

"Angela."  He said warmly.

"Do you want to....continue?"

Gabriel said grabbing my thigh and lifting it and wrapping one of my legs around him as he kissed me with a bit of force.

"Yes..." I said kissing him back and bitting the top of one of his ears.

He gave a small grin then started to bite my neck.

"Well the , my Queen, let your suitor treat you right."

He said sliding his hand up to my shirt and took it off. Then he moved his hands to my back and let his hands touch my skin.

"Oh my."  I said under my breath as he slowly touched my skin. He moved his hands down my back and to the tip of my spine. I could tell he was teasing me a bit. Then he wrapped my other leg around him.

"Now my Queen. Let your emotions relax."

He said whispering his words into my ears as he bit the top of my ear.

"Don't tease." I said softly and harsh.

"Why it's fun. I get my way with teasing you right."

Gabriel said being a bit more dominant now. He gave a smirk and looked at me.

"So, my Queen, ready to have a bit more fun?"

Gabriel said in a very dark tone. He kissed my lips with such force and I looked at his eyes. For a second they glowed red...wait what?!


I said looking at him. He shook his head in one quick motion and his eye color went back to normal.

"Yes?" He answered me.

"A-are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." he said kissing me once more.

"Okay.." I said a bit worried but trusted him.
How could I lie to Angela. I knew my other side would show....but how could I stop this? Let him take over......No. I had to be strong. Maybe.....

"Angela." I said turning my tone back warmly.

"Don't speak, just use your touch." She aid a bit scared.

"As you wish."  I said kissing pecks along her soft lips.

I held her face and neck in my hands as our bodies moved together. The rain kept pouring outside, heavier and harder....

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