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I woke away from the dream world and opened my eyes to see Hanzo.

"Well, did you find her?"

Hanzo's voice said as my vision came back to me. I stood up and quickly turned my attention to Angela. We both have each other looks and stared right at Angela.

She was waking up.



Reaper and I gave each other a breathless look and our eyes went on Angela.

"She's waking up."

I said mumbling to myself and Reaper.

"What do you think she'll say or do?"



Before I knew, she opened her eyes and looked around. I quickly hid behind something in the room and watched from afar. She couldn't see me. Not now, not ever. I'm to much of a monster to be seen.



I heard Reyes voice.....It felt real. No, he's dead and I can't fix that.
My eyes opened and all I saw was a black ceiling. I turned my head and found Hanzo.

"Angela- your awake finally."

He said coming up to me and helping me down.

"Hanzo - what am I doing here- where am I- I don;t even remember anything."

Hanzo kept his attention on me.

"What do you remember?"

"All I remember is Widowmaker taking me away, then falling - almost dying- and some figure saving me."


I gave a nod and a sigh. I felt so weak for an unkown reason. I fell to the ground, unable to stand.

"Angela, here." Hanzo said helping me up once more.

I gave a smile to him and held onto his arms.

"come, lets get out of here."

we turned to the door way and saw widowmaker standing there with her arms crossed and a large grin stayed pressed on her lips. Hanzo froze with me at his side.

"Finally awake. well done Hanzo."

"What?" I said speechless.

"Spider, leave, before this gets out of hand ." He said placing a hand on his bow.

"come, come Dragon. Aren't we on the same side?"

Widow said walking towards us with agents behind her. Hanzo quickly took an arrow an fired it closed to Widow's head.

"That was a warning shot. Don't make me fire one in a worse place."

He said protecting me from her now, while getting another arrow out.

"Well I only have one request then, try not falling for a women who doesn't use you."

She nodded her head to the agents and snapped her fingers together. then I felt a shooting pain on both of my wrists. I gave a scream and looked down to see hand cuffs.

"Spider! get those off, they'll kill her!"

I heard Hanzo yell, the pain was getting worse.

"Such a drama queen."

"Enough." we heard a voice say. We all turned our heads and saw Sombra.


"Sombra this is getting out of hand."

Hanzo said still protecting me.

"How so?" Sombra said not caring.

"Your all horrible." I said trying to get whatever off my wrists.

"Thanks." Widow said smiling with pleasure.

"Now, I think you'll come with us. We have something to show you."

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