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The wind took a breath at my skin of my face and mask as I took the way back to headquarters.


My eyes came upon the headquarters and I hurried to Angela. I walked through the halls as I pasted someone.

"Wait!" I spoke out to the figure. He turned his head and held hid weapon close to him.

"What Reaper?" He questioned.

"I need your help Hanzo." I said worried.

"What do you need."

"Come with me."


We walked through the halls of headquarters to find the room they kept Angela. After a few minutes we found where they kept her. We entered the code and went inside. She stood out, like she shouldn't be here....In this darkness.
I walked up to her as Hanzo stood in place, Speechless.

"W-W-Why is she here?"

He said as his attention was fully on Angela and I.

"I'm not allowed to say, but that doesn't matter, I really need your help."

"What do you need?" He said walking up to her.

she was placed onto an alter and almost shown like some kind of trophy. I held my grip towards my anger that was raging inside. I looked at Hanzo and spoke.

"You can make contact in the dream world correct?"

"Yes. but in order to do that....it would be dangerous-"

"I DON'T CARE, just, let me see her."

I said cutting him off. He gave a sigh and placed his bow down.

"Very well."

He tapped the floor in front of him as I looked at him. I went over and sat in front of Angela.

"Let's begin."



I took a few items I had on me and placed them right next to me. I poured one item in after another and made the transcended powder and placed it in my hands.

"Close your eyes, let your mind flow, feel where you want to be, who you want to be with."

I took a deep breath and placed the powder above Reaper's head and moved my hands with the powder and mumbled a few words.

"Okay. You should be able to see her, but you only have a short time. If you stay to long, your mind and body could get lost."



I heard Hanzo's words and took them with caution. I entered the dream world and saw Angela. She was alone, crying. She wore all black and held an umbrella in one of her hands. She was at my grave.

"I'm so sorry Gabriel. I should have stayed with you and Jack."

She said trying to say words, but her emotions got the best of her. She ran off and I hurried to follow her.


I didn't want her to see what I had become. But I wanted to love her once more. I had now found her asleep on her couch at home. I walked slowly up against the couch at home and sat down right next to her. I took off my mask and kissed the top of her head and held her close. I placed my mouth by her right ear and whispered softly.

"It's been too long Angela."

She heard my voice and tears came to her eyes. I placed one of my hands over her mouth as she just stood there and said nothing. She wanted to look but was too afraid.

"Come back to me Angela." I said soft and warm.

"Reyes?" She said under her breath.

"It's time you awoke my love."



I looked all around for my nightmare of a lover and saw a certain door to a room was open. I questioned it and walked over and went inside. There he was, along with Hanzo and Angela.

"Haven't seen you in awhile."

I said walking over to Hanzo. He didn't say anything nor looked at me. I rolled my eyes and my attention was on Reaper.

"What is he doing?"

"That's none of your concern,Spider."

I gave a small growl and looked back at Hanzo.

"I didn't come for you Dragon, I came for my lover."

I spoke proudly with a smirk on my face.

"Well you'll have to wait, now leave. Or do I have to make you leave myself."

Hanzo said slowly taking an arrow and placing it on his bow. My smirk turned into a grin and crossed my arms together.

"Fine. But next time, I get him to myself."

I said chuckling and taking my leave.

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