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Sombra was pissing everyone off. They had nothing to get Angela's attention. But I kept listening in the shadows of the room.

"she isn't going anywhere." Hanzo said.

"Right, well she doesn't have much of a choice."

Widow reminded Hanzo with that grin on her face. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Angela. She seemed lost and Scared with everything.Then Widow touched ear piece with two fingers and whispered something to Sombra.

"Looks like you have a date with the boss. He wants a few minutes with you."



This was hand of hand. I just wanted to get back to my foster home. I gave a sigh and held my breath then let it go into the air of the room.



Hanzo protected me as we walked through the halls and made our way to a room. The doors opened and we all entered. I held Hanzo's hand with mine and hanzo looked down at me and held my hand tighter. Then we saw a chair at the other side of the room.



My body was getting cold. My mind was getting lost, and darkness was getting stronger.

I heard voices behind me and I gave a smirk under my mask and wait for my que.

"Excuse me, she's here sir."

I turned the chair and Widow's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?"



I heard Widow's voice overpower  everyone in the room to the figure that was in the chair. I looked from behind Hanzo's back and saw a black hooded figure with a whole mask covering his face. His eyes laid on me and my blood shivered as he stared at me. Then he came down by me and Hanzo. He stared at Hanzo and Hanzo moved out of the way, showing the figure respect. I was face to face with him.

"You're the battle angel I've heard about. It's nice to finally meet you."

He said so dark and chilling. My whole body froze and his eyes met mine. Then he held out a black rose and handed it to me. I looked down at it and took it for some reason. I wanted to run but I couldn't. Then the figure placed his mouth up to my ear and whispered something.

"Until next time, Mercy."

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