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{Back to Angela}

I felt my head spin and my heart race. I placed my hand on my head and finally woke back up. I turned my head and saw I was back in my bedroom in the foster home. I turned my head to my dresser and saw the envelope from Widowmaker was gone. my eyes widened and I ran over to it. I placed both of my hands on top of my head and freaked out. Then I saw something caught my eye. I looked over at my bed and saw the envelope on top of my sheets. It was right there the whole time. I ran over to it and saw a paper attached to the envelope. I took the paper off and began to read what was on it.

I know things are hard, but don't let fear control you.

I gave a sigh and looked at the envelope once more and placed it back on my dresser.


I placed my hair into a ponytail and held a glass of wine in my right hand. I sat next to the window in my room and looked out to see rain.

"I keep dancing on my own......Gabriel." I said having tears form in my eyes.

The rain matched my mood tonight. I didn't know what to think now. I had an hour left to decide my fate. I took a drink from my wine glass and kept looking at the rain.


Sadly the time to wonder came to an end. Then I heard a voice whisper in my ear.


I jumped and backed up against the window and saw 76.

"WHAT THE HELL, how did you get in here!?"

I said holding a hand over my heart and spilling my wine all over the floor. I sighed and placed the glass on the window sill.

"That doesn't matter, we have to leave now."

We then both heard a loud crash behind me and felt ropes constrain me. 76 held out his large gun and we both heard Widow's voice.

"Bonjour batallie ange, le temps est écoulé, vos nôtres maintenant."

(Hello battle angel, time's up. your ours now.)

I gave a scream.


[Soldier 76]

I saw Angela disappear from my sight and saw Talon agents coming towards the foster home. I grabbed the envelope that Widow gave Angela and placed it into my jacket.

"Ana. Hurry I need your help."

I said holding the side of my visor and talking to her.

"Talon is going to kill Angela's foster home."

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