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I looked at Hanzo and saw a man enter the room. Dark figure once again, different size, taller and thin. Like a skeleton, skinless and brittle.

"The battle angel." He spoke with no emotion.

"Yes. That is me." I said answering

"I want a favor from you."

I stood in place and looked back at Hanzo.

"Sombra, take off that stupid mask."

"What it's fun." Sombra said taking it off and showing her face. She rolled her eyes and went silent after her comment.

"Enough. I ask a partnership from you Dr.Ziegler."


"Yes. You have certain qualities that I require for a certain problem I have."

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms together.

"Why would I help you."

"If you don't. A certain friend of yours might get hurt."

He said showing a picture of Genji behind him. Mine and Hanzo's eyes widened.

"Don't, He shouldn't be involved."

Then we all heard gun fire all around us Even above. The roof came crashing down and everyone was running.



We came to Talon as Ana and I got help from a friend, Hanzo.

"Okay." Ana said into her ear piece.

"Here." she said pointing at the door.


We came crashing in and came across everyone.

"RUN!" I said looking over to Angela.

Ana quickly ran over to her and escorted her away.


I ran through the building and quickly met up with Ana and Angela.

" I have to go back!" She said to both of us.

"We have to go!" I said picking her up as the jet came down. She screamed as Ana followed behind me.



I placed her down in the jet and she looked at me.


I gave her a sigh and looked at Ana. She nodded and I took off my visor. Her eyes sparkled with amazement as she stood in place with her hands on her lips.


"It's been too long." I said warmly and wrapping my arms around her.

"It has......I've missed you so much."

She said hugging me tightly. I smiled then fell to the floor of the jet.

"Crap." I said holding the side of my body.

"Jack! You're bleeding!" Ana said.

"Hold on Jack."

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