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We where all in shock to what has happened. Widow and Hanzo gave me a look and we all turned to the boss.

"Find her, get her back. Or her friend dies."



As I held Jack's hand with mine I looked at the rain falling outside and gave a sigh into the air. I sat straight up and let go of his large hands. Staring for a second, I took a deep breath in and stood up on my feet and walked over and grabbed my stuff.

"Hold on Genji, I'm coming to save you."


I placed my pistol on my thigh holder and fixed my angel wings. When I was finished I snuck past Ana and was on my way.

How was I supposed to find Angela in the time period he gave me. I needed help....Sombra.

"Sombra?" I called out to her.

"Yes. I know what you need and I can help. But I want a favor in return."

She said turning to face me as she appeared in front of me.

"Figures." I growled.

"Clocks ticking." She said chuckling and crossing her arms.

"Fine, now help me." I said with no hesitation to her trickery.

"Here this is where she's at."

She said giving me a piece of paper with her location on it.

"Oh don't worry I won't let a soul know about this. BOOP!"

She said bopping the tip of my nose and disappearing. I looked at the paper once more and made my way to her.

The rain was getting heavier as it sped up a little faster. I looked down at my watch and it read:
8:30 p.m.
I held myself through the rain and kept looking at the stone in front of me.

A tear came from my eye as I quickly wiped it away. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly got out my pistol and faced the way I heard them come from. The. I saw him. The figure. That saved me.

"You. You're the one who saved me."

He nodded to my reply.

He said darkly. I slowly placed my gun away and he slowly walked up to me.

"Come with me. You should know about something."

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