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We fought, dodged, yelled at each other. At this point I could barely hold anymore. The black hooded figure stood back as we both breathed in air.

"What's the matter Boy scout, too tired out?"

He hissed proudly. I reloaded my gun and pressed my visor.

"I'm just getting warmed up."

This Boy scout would never give into death. He was brave, I had to give him credit for that.

"Just give into the darkness Boy Scout."

I said hissing my words.

"NEVER!" He said shooting his bullets at me. I dodged and fired at him.

"Eat this!" He said as rockets fired from his gun.
I was pulled as the rockets brought me to the ground.
I got up and saw him gone.

"Reaper. Did you kill the solider."

I heard Widow's voice in my ear piece. I touched it with my fingers and replied to her.

"He got away."

"Follow him, He'll lead you to what you want."

She said chuckling.


I chuckled as I knew what was going to happen next. I looked at the beast that I managed to capture.

"Let me go SpiderWhelp." He growled.

I walked over to him and placed my foot on top of his large black nose.

"Down, down boy."

I said blowing a handful of spider venom at him. He growled and barked but then quickly settled down. I crossed my arms and gave a wide grin.

"Now I have something for you to do."

How could I have lost my brother.....I sat down and blocked the world out. I needed help.
Then I reopened my eyes and heard footsteps behind me.

"I thought I saw a ghost." I said turning to face him.
Jack Morrison.

"Jack." I said with no worry.

"Genji, Angela is she safe?" He said bleeding a bit.

"Jack You're-"
"Is.she. Safe." He said questioning once more as he cut me off.
Then we heard a loud noise outside once again.

"What was that?!"


The rain was pouring outside. But I kept trying for Hanzo.

"Please come back to us Hanzo. Don't leave your brother!"

I said with force. But nothing happened. I placed my hands upon my face and covered my tears. A silence stayed for a moment with me then I heard the same loud noise from before. I saw Rulu jump over the gate and landed in front of me.

"Rulu, did you find Genji?"

"Some one better." A voice said from behind him.

"Bonjour." Widowmaker said waving her hand as Rulu creeped slowly towards me.

"You." I said at Widow. I looked over at Rulu. His eyes weren't yellow but purple.

"No, No, No.Widow what did you do to him!"

She laughed as she pointed at me.


She commanded Rulu. Then he charged after me.


I heard Genji's voice above me. I saw him and Jack land in front of me. Genji had his sword out and 76 with his gun.

"Don't come any closer." Genji said standing in front of Hanzo and me. 

Rulu circled all of us as Widow came face to face with Genji.

"Another dragon." She licked her lips.

"Oh la la, maybe I'll control this one better."

She said aiming her rifle at him.

"Like to see you try." Genji spoke.

It was a battlefield everywhere you looked. Genji was fighting Rulu, 76 fighting Widowmaker....and I by Hanzo still.

"Enough." Widow said jumping on top of a rooftop of the temple.

"Fight like a real assassin!" 76 shouted at her.
She gave a little grin then looked at Rulu. I turned my back and looked at Genji.

"GENJI!!"  I ran after him.

"ANGELA GET BACK!" I heard Jack yell.
Then everything went black.

I ran to Angela as she fell to the ground as I managed to catch her in my arms. I looked at her face and saw claw marks upon her face.
"Oh Angela...." I held her close.

I turned my head and saw Rulu holing Genji in his mouth. Then he and Widow disappeared.

"Jack.....Genji..." she mumbled.

"I know..."

"A-Angela." We both heard a feint voice.
We both turned our heads and saw Hanzo.

"You're alive?!"

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