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(Soldier 76)

I held my pulse rifle close to me and heard all the kids running upstairs to Angela's room with fear. They all looked at me and saw the window behind me.

"PLEASE, I'm not here to hurt you in any way. trust me."

I spoke calmly to the group of kids in front of me.

"Jack. The jet is ready, get the kids out now!"

I heard Ana's voice spoke clear into my visor.

"Come, follow me."

I said running out of Angela's room and leading out to the backyard. The kids quickly followed me and we heard footsteps running towards all of us. The jet plane hovered above our heads and ropes where lowered as Ana came down to help with the kids get to safety. The rain was pouring down now.

"HELP!" I heard a girl scream behind me.

"76!" I heard Ana said pointing her finger to the little girl that gave the scream.

I turned my head and saw two Talon agents grab hold of the little girl. I loaded my pulse rifle and ran after her. I made contact with one Talon agent and punched him right in the face. Then more started to appear. I kept shooting at them with my pulse rifle and managed to get the little girl to safety.

"GO!" I shouted to Ana. She nodded from above the jet and they flew off into the sky.


Soon I was out numbered and Talon agents circled around me, closing me in. I loaded my pulse rifle once more and gave them all a smirk and I pressed the side of my visor and pointed my rifle at them.

"I've got you in my sights."


I wiped the blood off my forehead and saw all the Talon agents I faced on the ground. I started to walk away, but then I heard a voice.


I turned my head and my visor was shot. I gave the Talon agent a death stare and quickly dashed over to him.

"I might just have to kill you."

I said holding his throat in my grip. He tried breathing for air but couldn't.

"But you won't, will you. JACK MORRISON."

I gave a growl and fixed my grip tighter.

"That man died with Overwatch. now tell me where is Angela!"

"PISS OFF." He said spitting on my face

my grip grew stronger and even more tighter around his throat, I was inches away from killing him.

"I'm going to ask one more time. WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!"

"Go to hell."

He laughed as he started to cough up blood from his mouth. My anger got to the best of me and my rifle shot right at him in the chest and his dead-less body fell to the ground.

"Well see..... Angela hold on."

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