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I took her to a small apartment not to far away from headquarters. But I didn't tell her. (It didn't matter.) she looked at me as we went into the dark and helped her into the building. She seemed confused and a little scared......

"Where are we going?" She asked.

We then stopped at the right door and I opened the door and went inside.


I stood in the doorway and saw the small apartment.
Was this the world he retired to every night?
He stared at me and held out a hand. I looked at him and I reached for his hand. He then drew me close to him and held me in his arms.

"Close your eyes."

I hesitated for a moment but nodded. He sighed and took of his mask.


I heard his voice tone chance from dark to warm as he spoke. I opened my eyes and gasped.


I couldn't She emotion. I was frozen. My heart skipped a few beats as I took in what was going on.
Gabriel...Reyes...My love...Here...Alive...Gabriel Alive...

"Angela. It killed me to wait this long."

"But I don't understand."

"You don't have too." Gabriel said hugging me tightly.

"I'm here now that's all that matters."
He added to his words.

"I agree....But Gabriel--Reaper--Gabriel ."

I said trying to pick a name for him.

"Angela call me Gabriel like old times."

He said holding me safe and warm.

"Please sit." He said as we sat on the small couch together.

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