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Something felt wrong, very wrong. I looked over at Hanzo and saw him sleeping. I was glad he was getting some rest. I turned my head to the window and saw the sky was crying once more. I gave a sigh and stood up as my feet took me outside.

I sat on top of a rooftop of the temple and saw Angela. She then caught my gaze and I sighed and shadow stepped to her.
"Angela I -"
"LOOK OUT!"  She said as we both dodged Widow's venom mine.

"Bonjour." She chuckled.

"What. Don't you like surprises?" She said grinning at me.

"Why are you here?" I questioned.

She nodded and Rulu quickly charged at me and Angela. I quickly pushed her out of the way and he pinned me against a wall.

"The boss isn't too happy with you Reaper."

Widow said coming over to me and placing a hand under my chin. She then looked at Angela. She was on the ground. She looked up at Widow and she placed her foot on Angela and kicked her like she was the ground herself.

"STOP!" I yelled.

She laughed.

"Get up and fight." She spoke out loudly.
Then Widow placed her foot upon her once again.

"Take him to the ship."

Rulu grabbed Reaper and disappeared with him. I looked up and saw Widowmaker standing above me.

"You're nothing. A bug."  She said pressing her foot into my side. I screamed as she smirked.

"See, a peach you are. Too weak to fight for your Lover."

She then bent down and placed her lips against my ear.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him."


I screamed as the poison and injections took hold of my mind and soul.
I'm sorry....Angela.

I stood in the injection lab as they stopped the treatment. The pod opened and I saw him,Reaper. I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"Hello my love."

I smirked and took off his mask as our lips connected.

"Reaper mission report."

"Waiting orders." Reaper spoke.

I placed my lips up to his ear and mumbled.

"Angela Ziegler?"


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