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The next day when I woke up, all I heard was widows words in my head.

"Destroy....The foster home....." I mumbled.

She couldn't, she was lying. After all these years. Why would Talon find me now, how did they find me? So many questions kept building up in my head.

"Are you alright?"  a voice called out. I turned away from the day dream and saw Tracer eating her sandwich.

"Yes. I'm okay Tracer." I said sighing while speaking to her.

"Thanks for coming to lunch with me."

Tracer said smiling and consuming the rest of her sandwich. Then she picked up the other half of her sandwich and gave another large bite into it.


"No Thanks."

She gave a shrug and then gobbled the sandwich down once more.

"How is the foster home Love?"

Tracer said drinking some of her water

"A few problems I'm dealing with right now."

"Awe don't worry Love, you'll do great!"


I sat at the lunch table as Tracer and I talked for awhile. We chatted about the old days, the past memories, and the lives we had missed. After that I walked home through the small town of Iilios. My feet lead me to a unknown part of town. The sky grew dark and strange. Then I felt two hands grab me and one went over my mouth.

I tried to scream but the hands around me wouldn't. Then I saw myself get dragged into a small alleyway and I was let go of. I touched the brick wall behind me and faced the figure in front of me.

"Sorry for the harsh hold, but I've been searching for you Angela."

The tall figure spoke in a male voice.

I pulled out my small hand gun and pointed it towards the figure.


I said holding the gun steady and placed a finger on the trigger.

"WOAH, WOAH, calm down. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you."

He stepped out of the dark and I saw a scared face man and his face covered by a visor. It matched his outfit. He turned his face away from me to make sure we where alone. 76 was on the back of his jacket. His hair white as the snow that fell here during the winter.

"Tell me then. Why did you man-handle me. Or you'll be sorry."

I said a bit afraid.

"Don't listen to Widowmaker. Don't take her offer. Talon will destroy the foster home you take care of no matter what. Just let me help you."

He said stepping closer to me slowly.


I said holding my gun up higher.

"Please Angela. My name is Soldier 76. You can't fall into Talon's trap."

He said speaking so calmly to me. I gave a sigh and placed the gun down to my thigh.

"Tell me why your actually here."

"To help you make the right choice."


[Soldier 76]

She looked at me in confusion as I spoke to her. Then she was knocked out. She fell to the ground and I saw Ana behind her with her sleep pistol in her hand.

"Now I can see why you love her so much Jack."

Ana said putting her sleeping pistol away.


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