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I stood outside as the rain came pouring down. It touched my cheeks as I placed a hand out and let the drops touch my hand.
Sad. Cold. Beautiful.
All the emotions of the night cried.
I walked into the camp and saw Angela still trying to get the handcuffs off her.

"Here let me help." I said taking her wrists into my hands.

I heard Ana come help me as I watched. Like magic, she made them come off. I rubbed the marks on my wrists as she gave me a cold ice pack.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Going to see Jack."
A little while later Ana came back and sighed with relief.

"You can go see him."
I opened my eyes and found myself laying on small cot with a blanket as I heard the rain outside. Then my attention turned to the entrance and my eyes laid on Angela. I placed a hand over my face and felt my visor gone. I looked over at the nightstand on my left and saw my gun, jacket, visor. I turned my head back to her and she sat down next to me.
"Jack. Why didn't you tell me before?"

I didn't answer her. She gave a sigh but placed her hands on mine.

"It's good to have you back,Jack."
I gave a smile and held her hand tightly.
"At least I saw you again." I spoke.

"Yes. It's been- forever if you can say."

She said giving a joyful smile and kissing my cheek. I looked at her as she pulled away.

"Are you alright?" She said.

Then I pulled her with my two hands and kissed her. She was in shock for a moment then kissed back. I wrapped her hands around my neck as I placed mine on her face and neck. It felt like the whole world around me felt at peace. She pulled away slowly and looked at me.

"Jack. I-I don't know if I can continue this."

"Why not?"

I said warmly wrapping my arms around her and letting her lay right next to me on the cot.

"Listen to the rain with me." I said as I felt her head rest on my chest.

"But I have to go back."

"I know....."


We watched the rain for awhile. I looked over at the clock.
7:43 p.m.
Angela was sleeping right on me. I was keeping her safe from the dangers of the world. She slowly woke up and our hands played with each other. Fingers twirled, palms of hands together, emotions silent. She looked up at me and kissed my lips softly.

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