Chapter Seven

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"DON'T DROP THAT PIZZA-THUN. OH. DON' DROP THAT-." I heard coming from outside my room. I groaned softly and rolled to my side, just to be met with a fluffy head of blonde hair. Da fuq?
"Nwikki!" I heard a childish voice say, Alex.
"Alex!!" I said, remembering what happened yesterday. I was reunited with my long lost sister, sort of adopted an orphan, and got asked out by an incredibly hot South African. Great!
"Nikki! Get out if bed, the guys are coming over soon." I heard Jaelyn say from downstairs. Crap. Why couldn't I just stay in bed? I like my bed. It's fluffy and has surprise cuddle buddy guests in it. Oh well. I got out of bed and helped Alex jump off it. As soon as he did that, he ran out of the room and I could hear his small feet pad down the steps. I laughed softly to myself, shaking my head as I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that, I let my hair stay in it's natural curls, too lazy to do anything to it as I changed. (Outfits in the external link)

As I walked downstairs I saw Jae in the kitchen, her hair down, and...what was this? She was actually wearing her glasses instead of putting contacts in? "OH MY GOD!" I shouted.

Lilly and Alex jumped in their seats and looked at me, wide eyed. "What?" Jae called from the kitchen.

"You're wearing your glasses!" I cheered, grinning.

Jae rolled her eyes and set a plate of eggs and bacon on the table. "Shut up." She muttered, grabbing two more plates and putting them down. I laughed softly and went to get the door as I heard a knock on it.
When I opened the door, I was smothered in a hug. "Nikki!" Caspar shouted, making me laugh.
"Caspar!!" I cheered and blushed as he kissed me and i kissed him back, making Jaelyn raise her eyebrows. I just shrugged and smirked, hugging Alfie. "Alfred!"
"Nikole!" he cheered before letting go of me and running toward Jaelyn. They hugged and laughed, sitting down at the table. Caspar and I looked at each other and grinned, knowing that they were going to be a couple soon. Casp and I walked hand-in-hand toward the table and sat next to each other, Caspar on my left and Alex on
my right.
"Are you and Nwikki going to get married, Caspwa?" Alex asked, looking at Caspar as he ate some bacon.
Caspar laughed softly and squeezed my hand under the table as I blushed softly. "Uh, no, not yet, but hopefully we will later on in life." The blue eyed South African smirked as I blushed even more and ate some of my eggs. Caspar took my bacon off my plate and handed it to Alfie, who ate it.
"Hey! You shits! I was going to eat that!" I pouted and crossed my arms.
"There there." Jaelyn teased.
I stuck my tongue out at her and glared. "Shut up." I mumbled, continuing to pout. Caspar and Alfie, however found the matter hilarious. "You both are jerks!" I groaned.
Caspar grinned and pulled me on to his lap. "Sorry, babe." he kissed my cheek, making Lilly fake a gag.
"EEW! Alfie, Jae, tell them to stop!" Lilly complained.
"Yeah, stop!!" Alfie said childishly, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

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