Chapter 21

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A/N: UGGHHHHHH. I had written this before, but wattpad decided to be a bum and delete it, so I have to rewrite it. DX NOW ONTO THE STORY.

Two weeks. Two. Fucking. Weeks. It'd been two weeks since I last saw Caspar. Since I saw him cheating on me, and to be honest? I miss him. I miss him so much. But I can't let him know that. I mean, I pretty much set myself up for being hurt. I fell in love with a slut. That's what everyone calls him anyway, right? I practically let myself fall for his trap. "Ass...." I muttered as I struck a match on the match box I was holding before throwing it into the pile of sticks I had created.

Right now I was in the woods, mainly because I needed some alone time. So why not go to the wilderness? as I watched the small the flame turn into a large fire, I gasped. The was beautiful. The flames danced and licked the air, memorizing me. As I watched the fire, I shook my head softly. There was no reason to be distracted, I came here for a reason. Bending down, I opened the bag I had and took out a couple of pictures. Pictures of Caspar and I. I can't stand having pictures of someone who hurt me so badly. Biting my lip, I tried to hold back the smile that formed on my face when I saw what the first picture was. It was of Caspar and I, we were watching a movie. His arm draped around me, my head on his shoulder, and Alex in between the two of us. Alex looked absolutely engrossed by the film, while Caspar and I just stared at each other. We were both smiling, and we actually seemed....happy.

"I hate you...." I whispered softly to myself as I dropped the photo into the fire, watching the edges of the picture slowly turn inward as the photo turned black. This started the 20 photo series.

Jaelyn's P.O.V

"I just can't believe he'd do that to her!" I exclaimed as I filled my cup with some good ol' Orange Juice.
"That's the thing, Jaelyn. He wouldn't," Alfie said as he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching me intently.
"Oh, right. He wouldn't cheat on her. Which is why he did! I should've told her not to go out with him. What's that thing people call him? Oh, right. A slut. Those people that call him that are right," okay, that was harsh. But it's true. He broke my friends heart. He hurt her. Caspar knew she was like a cracked vase, so he just had to go and make that crack bigger.
"You don't even know the full story, Jaelyn," Alfie frowned, following me out of the kitchen as I walked into the living room.
"You're right. I don't. Enlighten me, Alfie. Because I'm pretty sure Nikki saw his lips locked with another girl. That's enough of the story I need to hear," I stated, sitting on the couch and sipping my juice.
"She forced herself onto him! God, you can't even take the time to see the full picture. He's innocent! Yeah, I can see why Nikki's upset but c'mon! You're not being fair!" The British boy narrowed his eyes at me, causing me to narrow mine.
"Me? Not see the full picture? You don't care to see the full picture, either! You have no idea how she feels! While you were with Caspar for a week, I was here trying to stop Nikki from crying!" I shouted, glad that Joey had asked to take Alex out for the day with Shane. Yeah, Alex would be hanging out with the Shane Dawson. Crazy, right?
"Are you being serious right now?" Alfie asked, his hand resting on his forehead. "You don't know how Caspar feels either! He's devastated!"
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Alfie. I highly doubt he's devastated. Why would he be hurt? He hurt her! He was suppose to fix her. He said everything would be okay here in L.A. He came up with the idea to live here. Everything's been fucked up ever since we moved here, Alfie! God, sometimes I wish we never met you."

As soon as those six words came out I regretted them. The look of pain that flashed across Alfie's face broke my heart. But what hurt worse was the stone cold expression that followed it. "Well, if that's how you feel..." he trailed off and shook his head, walking toward the door.
"Alfie, wait. I-I didn't mean that," I frowned, panicking. Why do I have to always fuck things up? Why couldn't I just kept my mouth shut?
"No, Jaelyn. We both know you meant it," He said softly as he shook his head and walked out of the house.

Nikki's P.O.V

"That's the last of 'em," I smiled victoriously as I picked up my bag before putting out the fire. I'd just burned all of the pictures, and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As I headed back to my car, I felt a vibration coming from my phone. With an eyebrow raised, I took my phone out from my pocket and opened the twitter app. What I saw stopped my heart and made me gasp.

@Caspar_Lee: @Nikki_Calvery I know you think I'm a douche. But please know that....I'm half a heart without you....


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