Chapter 24

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"Hey, Casp," I said softly as I walked over to his bed and sat on the chair that was next to it. "Caspar...I'm so sorry. I should've let you explain but..." my voice cracked, "I thought-. I thought that maybe you'd get over it. Over me. You'd brush it on and move on.

Wiping a tear, I shook my head and laughed softly, "I guess you didn't. But...Caspar...Please. Please wake up. I need you. Alfie needs you. Alex needs you. Your viewers need you. So many people need you. Please, wake up." I begged as I grabbed his hand and watched him closely. He had bruses and cuts on his face, along with a broken arm. Apparently the car that hit him banged up his head terribly. "I-I can't live without you. Alfie says this is his fault...but it's my fault. If I wouldn't have just heard you out you could've been at the house instead of at a hotel."

As I examined Caspar, I noticed something. The constant beeping was slowing. Mye eyes widened as I looked at the monitor, and then at Caspar, "Caspar. No. No. No. Caspar please, no." Tears started to fall from my eyes as I watched the monitor's line slowly go from up and a flat line. The constant beeping just turned into a high pitched noice. "Caspar. Please. No. Caspar, please," More tears fell as I got off the chair and wrapped my arms around Caspar, bawling into his shoulder. He felt...cold. Too cold. "Caspar, please. PLEASE WAKE UP, CASPAR. PLEASE." I screamed as I cried even harder. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't his time. Why wasn't he moving? Why couldn't-. This is all my fault.....

Jaelyn's P.O.V

"I'm so sorry, Jaelyn," Alfie whimpered as he opened his arms for me. Of course, I automatically walked into them.

"No, I should be apologizing. I never should've brought up Nikki and Caspar's relationship. I should've just kept my mouth shut," I said softly as I let myself get engulfed in the familiar feeling of being held by him. This was....nice.

"We should both be aplogizing," Alfie smiled, "I should've heard you out, and I should've just let you rant instead of puting my opinion in."

Laughing softly, I pulled away from him and looked up at him, "I'm so sorry, Alfred Deyes. I know we both fucked up,"

"We really did," He smiled then chuckled.

"CASPAR, NO!" The both of us heard as our eyes widened. What the hell could've happened in there? Quickly, Alfieand I both burst into the room to see Nikki holding Caspar and crying.

"Nik, what happened?" I asked as we walked over to her, then we heard it. The flat line that only meant one thing: Caspar Richard Lee was dead.

"Nik, you need to get away from him..." Alfie said softly as he walked over to her. "Jae, get a doctor."

I nodded softly before running out and running toward a nurse. "M-My friend..." Realization hit me as tears started to pour down my face. "He-He's dead..."

Nikki's P.O.V

"Nik, you need to get away from him..." A familiar voice said as someone put their hands on my shoulders.

"No, No I'm not letting go of him!" I said as I looked up and looked at Caspar. His lips were already turning blue.

"Nikki, the doctors need to take him away," Alfie said softly as his voice cracked.

"No!" I yellled and glanced at Alfie, who was frowning at me. Tears stained his face, and behind him stood two doctors.

"Ma'am, you need to let us take him," The doctor on the right said, stepping forward.

"F-Fine..." I said softly, giving up. He was dead. And he wasn't coming back. As I turned back toward Caspar, I sighed. "I'll always love you," I whispered as I leaned down and kissed him.

As I pulled away from Caspar and turned around, I heard someone groan. My eyes widened as I turned around and saw him sitting up, rubbing his head, "Ugh. Nikki?" He asked, causing me to smile. He was alive. Caspar Lee was alive. And everything was finally going to be okay.

The End.

A/N: OKAY. I KNOW THE ENDING WASN'T REALISTIC BUT IT WAS LIKE...NIKKI KISSING HIM MAKES HIS HEART JUMP. MEANING THAT WHEN SHE KISSED HIM HIS HEART BEAT, AND THEN HE CAME BACK TO LIFE. AND YEAH. >.> Dunz judge. BUT THAT WAS THE ENDING OF THE STORY!!!!! Dx Ahhh!!!! I'm going to write a Bajan Canadian fanfic after this. I've already started on the first chapter, so if you want to read that PLEASE read it. :3

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