Chapter Eleven

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Click the external link for Jae's and Nikki's outfits in this chapter!!!!!!!

Jae's P.O.V

"Come on, Jae. You can do it!" Alfie smiled at me as I bit my lip in concentration, slowly moving toward him. I gripped his arm and gasped, falling.

"Dammit! This isn't as great as I thought it'd be." I groaned and made a face, Alfie smirking at me.

"It's your first time, Jae. You've got to get use to the feeling." Alfie said, causing me to roll my eyes as I gripped onto his forearm, him helping me up. If someone were to just hear this conversation, they'd think we were doing the dirty, but, no, we were ice skating.

"It's just so hard, though!!" I groaned, pretending to be defeated.

"Here, let me help." Alfie said as he wrapped his arms around me and taught me how to properly move my legs and use my skates, not once letting go of me. Nikki was right, Alfie and I did need some alone time. But so did she and Caspar...maybe I'll tell Alfie about that later. But right now...I didn't want to have Alfie let go of me. His arms felt perfectly right around my waist.

After our ice skating lesson, we went to Starbucks and just hung out for a bit. "So, Ms. Price..." Alfie smirked at me.

"So, Mr. Deyes...." I trailed off and copied him.

He grinned and took a picture of me, quickly typing something before posting it on Instagram and then the link to the picture on twitter. I raised a curious eyebrow at him. "You have a little bit of whipped cream on your upper lip. Here, I'll help you." Alfie grinned and leaned over the table, letting his tongue snake out of his mouth and lick off the whipped cream before kissing me softly, causing me to blush. Did he really just do that in a Starbucks filled with people, in public? This boy was something else.

"Thanks..." I said, flustered as he pulled away and smiled a cheeky smile.

"You're blushing!" He stated. Well, no shit, Sherlock.

"No shit." I smirked before making a face as my phone buzzed. I took it out and looked at the picture someone tweeted of Alfie licking the cream off of my lip.

@Dannisgap: Looks like @alwaysxhungryxjae and @Pointlessblog are getting very cozy. xx

My eyes widened as I looked around to see who took it, but no one was paying any attention to Alfie and I. I guess Alfie saw the picture too because he was looking around and muttering about how he never got any privacy. "Uh, c'mon, we should get going." I said to Alfie, who grinned and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." He said and grabbed my hand, leading me out of Starbucks.

A couple of minutes later we were standing outside mine and Nikki's house. "Thanks for today, Jae. You have no idea how amazing it was just to spend some time with only you. I love Nik, Caspar, and everyone but it was nice just being"

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, today was great, Alfred. Thanks." I said softly and as I was about to turn around to open the door I felt a pair of lips crash in to mine. I blushed, Alfie kissed me with such passion that it was obvious how he felt. As I kissed him back, I tried to put as much passion and tried to tell him how I felt just through that kiss. That incredible kiss that made my stomach do backflips and my skin sizzle with electricity. I've never been a romantic, but I think this was what people described in books. That feeling you get when you meet the one. Sadly, Alfie pulled away, the kiss leaving us both panting. I wanted more, but I knew I had to go inside.

"Jaelyn Prices, will you be my girlfriend?" Alfie asked and I smiled, nodding as I kissed him one last time.

"Of course, Alfred Deyes." I said simply.

Alfie broke into a 100 watt smile before kissing my cheek. "You should get inside, it's 9 p.m and tomorrow we're all suppose to go hang out with The YouTube crew."

I raised my eyebrows. The YouTube crew? Well okay them. "Okay, night!" I smiled at him and slipped inside.

Nikki's POV

"Okay, see you later. Bye, babe." I smiled and kissed the blonde South African's cheek as he waved "bye". He was going to go take Lilly and Alex out to go miniature golfing while I stayed home. I wasn't really feeling well, so, me being myself, I decided to stay home and take a nap. Perfect plan, right? Plus I probably looked like a mess, since my hair was in a messy pony tail and I wasn't wearing any make up.

Biting my lip, I watched as Caspar walked over to his car with Alex and Lilly before I turned around and walked upstairs, taking a nap.

When I awoke, I awoke with a killer headache. Why? I had no idea. "What the hell." I groaned as I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone, looking at it. 3:30?! I went to bed at 9:00 a.m.! I rolled my eyes before unlocking my phone just to be bombarded with text messages. I had five from Caspar, and two from Jae. Deciding to read Caspar's texts first, I grinned.


Nikki! Hi babe! :) just wanted to check up on you. xx




Knock, knock anyone there?




....If you don't reply within the next few hours I'm going to assume you've been kidnapped by aliens. Please reply, love!! :'(

I laughed softly at Caspar's texts, finding it completely adorable that he was worried about me.

To Caspar<33:

I'm fine!! I wasn't kidnapped! My nap lasted longer than expected. .-. Where are you, Lilly, and Alex btw?? Miss you, love you!! xx

After I sent that, I read Jae's texts.


Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. I'm bored. Help.



Laughing softly, I decided to not reply to her. Biting my lip, I grinned as Caspar called me, answering him. "Hey, Casp!"

"Hey, love!" Caspar chirped. "I was sooo certain you got kidnapped by the Russian Mafia."

I laughed softly and shook my head. "Nope, I didn't, you're still stuck with me."

"Anyway! I'm on my way to your house right now. I think Jae is already there." He said as I heard someone in the kitchen, making me nod.

"Yeah, she is." I said as I walked out of my room, downstairs, and into the kitchen, grinning at Jae who smiled and waved.

"Okay, well, I'll be there in a few. Love you, babe." He said before hanging up.

"So, how was your date with Alfie?" I asked Jae, and as she explained I decided to make myself some cereal.

"By the way, you and Caspar are going out tomorrow night. Just thought I'd share. And you can't back out, Alfie and I already agreed we'd watch the kids." Jae smirked.

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