Chapter Five

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The link for their outfits for this chapter is in the external link

Nikki's P.O.V

I wrinkled my nose as I awoke to the sounds of two people giggling uncontrollably. "When do you think they'll wake up?" The male voice said - obviously Alfie.
"Knowing Nikki, probably in about an hour. I don't know about Caspar," The female, Jaelyn, said. Once the name 'Caspar' reached my ears I felt a pair of arms tighten around my waist, though I didn't feel like opening my eyes to the blinding light I knew waited for me yet.
"Huh. Well, I wonder what they'll do when they find out what we tweeted." Alfie said, a hint of evil evident in his voice.
"If you fucks tweeted a picture of me and Caspar like this I will ruin both of you." I said, my eyes still closed.
"Wha-?!" Jaelyn gasped as I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light before sending a death glare at the two of them. Surprisingly, Jaelyn and Alfie were already dressed. Jaelyn wore a nice t-shirt dress with melting-type tights that made it look as if black paint was dripping out of her you-know-what, also completing the outfit with a pair of keds. Alfie, on the other hand was wearing a plain black t-shirt, jeans, and converse.
"She can't kill us if she can't catch us. RUN!!!!!" Alfie yelled as the both ran away from me, heading upstairs.
I laughed softly as I shook my head and sat up, pulling my hair into a pony tail before checking my twitter. Once I logged on, I wished I didn't. I had tons of mentions, retweets, and it turns out Jaelyn actually did tweet the photo of Caspar and I.
@AlwaysxhungryxJae: Looks like @Nikki_Calvery and @Caspar_lee are getting a little bit too comfy. ;)
I rolled my eyes as I shook my head, deciding to read the replies from viewers.

@BeautifulFreaksFans: AHH!!! I ship them so hard!!!! #Cikki
@TysLeftFoot: two of my favorite YouTubers....AMAZING!!!
@Cikkifan2180: Shipping them since the day I was born.
@CasparWhore: EW! Caspar is so not dating that! stop making up lies, people! #realfan #knowscasparmorethanyoudo
@Dicasplawl: I use to be a fan of Beautiful Freaks. Until I found out they were whores! EEW!
@Caspar_Lee: @dicasplawl @CasparWhore Nikki has done nothing wrong to you so leave her alone! And just because nik and jae are hanging out with Alfie and I doesnt mean they're whores and you should unsubscribe. You're not real fans.

My eyes widened as I turned around to see Caspar, shirtless, still laying on the couch, with his phone held above his face as he tweeted before turning off his phone and dropping it on his face. "OW!" He shouted, causing me to burst out into a fit of laughter.
"You okay, Casp?" I asked, still laughing.
"Yeah, yeah." He said as he sat up and rubbed his forehead before grinning at me. "Morning, sunshine."
"Morning!" I chirped as I quickly stood up and stretched. "I'm going to go take a shower. By the way, go kill Alfie and Jaelyn for me. " I nodded and walked off before he could reply. I walked upstairs and into my room, grabbing my favorite pair of ombré high waisted shorts, a varsity crop top, and my SWS bracelet. As I walked into the bathroom I placed my clothes on the toilet seat cover thing and brushed my teeth quickly before getting into the shower.

After my quick shower I put my clothes on and did my usual natural make up routine before putting my contacts in and walking downstairs.

Caspar's P.O.V
I can't possibly tell you how good it felt to wake up next to Nikki. Of course I had been up when Alfie and Jaelyn took the picture of us, I had obviously been pretending to sleep. But, Nikki felt so perfect laying next to me. We fit together perfectly. Her back was pressed my front, and I had my arm draped around her, holding her hand. I wonder if she felt the same way..most likely not. I was known for being a 'slut' after all.

"Casp!" Alfie yelled as he and Jaelyn ran downstairs, looking around before looking back at me. "Is she going to murder us?"
"No." I grinned and shook my head before pulling my Tshirt on.
Jaelyn and Alfie both sighed in relief as I laughed and started walking upstairs. "I'm going to go brush my teeth!" I shouted back at them as I walked into the spare bathroom on the left side and took a quick shower before walking out, putting the same clothes I had on yesterday back on. Alfie must've gone back to his flat and gotten himself his own clothes, because he wasn't in the same outfit as he was yesterday.
As I walked out the bathroom, I ran a hand through my hair and yawned, bumping into a much smaller figure as I reached the staircase. "Sorry!" Nikki and I exclaimed at the same time, causing both of us to grin.
"Uh, sorry." she said softly, as I looked at her up and down. She was perfect. She wore a croptop, shorts, and converse. Along with a ring and a bracelet. Her hair was in a perfect fishtail braid and she just looked...perfect. Everything about her was amazing.
"It's fine." I grinned at her as we both walked down the stairs.
"You do realize it's freezing outside, right?" I called back to her.
She rolled her eyes and walked toward the front door and outside, turning around to face me. "It's warm out, genius."
My moth fell open into an 'O' shape as I shrugged and walked over to where Alfie and Jaelyn were eating breakfast, seeing two plates of bacon and eggs laid out for Nikki and I.

Nikki's P.O.V -four hours later-

"Hey folks of the Universe! Nikki here! I stole Jae's camera, SHH. But anyway, Jae, Alfie, Casp, and I just got finished shopping and now we're just going to wander around. Plus, met two of you guys! Yeah, two of you!" I pointed to the camera. "Anyway, shout outs to Anissa and Drew. You both made our day with your amazing stories." I grinned at the camera, remembering the short blonde girl and the tall blue-haired boy running up to us while we were walking into the mall. "Okay, well that's it for now I guess. See ya on the flip side!" I chirped as I turned off the camera and shoved it into my purse, running to catch up with the group.
"Lilly! C'mon, Mr. Dad will be mad if we don't get home soon!" a young voice called, making me and the group freeze in our tracks.
"I'm coming! I just want to do a cartwheel really fast, then we can start walking home before Mr. Dad and Mr. Daddy get upset with us again!" An all too familiar voice called, causing my eyes to widen as I searched frantically for the voice I knew all too well. Then I found her. Her brown curls bounced as she did a cart wheel, her blue eyes shining with pure joy. She wore a blue dress identical to her rare shade of sea blue mixed with sky blue eyes. Her skin was as pale as I remembered it, except it had a little bit of a tan to it.
"Lilly?" I whispered before I broke into a sprint toward the young girl I knew was my long-lost sister.
"NIKKI! WAIT! THAT MIGHT NOT BE HER!" I heard the group call after me, but I didn't care. I knew in my gut that was Lillith. As I came to a stop, the girl, Lilly, looked at me, her eyes widening.
My eyes filled with tears as I fell to my knees and looked at my little sister, whose eyes welled with tears too. "Lilly?" I croaked.
"Nikki?" she said softly as I nodded, her running straight into my arms as I hugged her tightly, Lilly doing the same.
"I've missed you so much!" I cried into my little sister's shoulder, her doing the same.
"I've missed you too!" she cried as she pulled back and looked at me.
"You're so big now." I grinned at her.
"You're a big girl too!" she grinned before taking a step back and looking at a little boy who looked around four years old. "This is Alex. Mr. Dad and Mr. Daddy took him away from his family too."
"They weren't my family, Lilly. I was an orphan, remewmba? They saved me from the mean awdoptive mommy and daddy." Alex said as he took a step closer. He was so adorable. He had dirty blond hair, stormy gray eyes, and dimples that would show themselves every time he smiled or even talked sometimes.
"But still. Nikki, can we come home with you? I don't like Mr. Daddy and Mr. Dad. Mr. Dad hits us if we don't listen to him, and Mr. Daddy just watches and doesn't do anything about it." Lilly said as the rest of the group ran up to us.
"Nikole! *gasp* why *gasp* don't you ever listen? *gasp* we could've come together to see if-." I cut Caspar off by looking at him, tears streaming down my face.
"Caspar, Alfie, Jaelyn, I'd like you to meet my little sister...Lilly." I said softly as I looked at my friends, their eyes widening.

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