Readers, this is something that I think should be made for everyone to see. So before some of you think "Oh she's just saying that because she wants the views, comments and votes" please, I'm practically begging you to stop that thought right now. Well, maybe not begging.
I could care less about whatever views this gets, because if one person who needs to read this does, it'll be worth it. Now I'm a teenage girl, so that means I feel insecure about things, including myself. If whatever gender you may be reads this and realizes that the only thing you should feel insecure about is whether or not you should get an extra topping on your pizza then my mission is accomplished.
So now to another point because I get off topic or whatever easily.
This book will be about how I think every teen feels in their life, now because I'm a girl, (I'm really stressing this guys.) I probably won't know how a guy feels sooo please don't judge or whatever. Well you can but I'm in that mood where I don't give a flying house what you think, I'm the witch of the east, I fly in a bubble. Fear me. (That is that one cheerful witch right? I can't remember The Wizard of Oz well, I was only in third grade when I was in the play or something like that. No it couldn't have been third grade, I'll go with second.) Anyway like I was saying fear me.Honestly I don't know where I'm going with this, where am I going with life too?! All I'm doing is sitting on my couch watching anime, oh yeah guys I'm living the dream. I can't swim, I can't do math, I can't even remember to turn off the downstairs ac sometimes. Now I wanna cry. Damn you emotions, damn you.
Anyway, if you think that my personality it shitty and you don't want to read this book, lmao I don't care. But the way I'm acting right now is because I'm hungry but whenever food is in front of my face I'm not hungry and I really love food. So the way I am now is literally different than how I usually act, I'm a kind hearted person. That's why I'm making this book. Where am I going with this again? Forgot. Oh well. Bye bye. SIKE I'M BACK! I want this book to make you all realized that you're beautiful, and are here for a reason. You are worth something. If you need someone to talk to, message me. Now bye bye for real.

I Should Feel Like:
Short StoryEl never thought as a kid playing with her Barbies that she'd become like this. El never thought that she'd have to write down her feelings to let them out. El definitely didn't expect them to get out for the whole world to see, especially when she...