I Should Feel: Like Life is Amazing

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I should feel like life is awesome.

I should feel like I can live happily among everyone.

I should feel like I can go out into public.

So why do I feel like life sucks?

Why do I feel like no matter what I do it's not good enough?

Why doesn't anyone love me?

It's because you're useless, stupid and annoying.

I should feel carefree.

But I don't feel any positive things anymore.

Dear me,

Today is Sunday. I was putting toothpaste on my toothbrush but it slid off, ended up landing on my foot. All because I didn't hold it over the sink. I had to clean my feet off in the shower but ended up falling on my ass. Getting water all over me. But that was just the beginning. My cereal bowl tipped over so I didn't get any breakfast. I had to wait until dinner time to eat because mom always skips lunch. My book that I was reading fell and hit me in the eye, now I have a black eye. You can only guess what my classmates will assume about that one. The sad part is that it was just the beginning of bad stuff. Mom and dad argued again, I'm used to it though. My life sucks every day, today was just a little bit worse. I'm all alone, with no one to save me from these dark feelings, Leaving me to slowly get taken over by them, little by little. Why can't I just feel nothing? Life would suck less.

I should feel like life is awesome.

I should feel like I can live happily among everyone.

I should feel like I can go out into public.

So why do I feel like life sucks?

Why do I feel like no matter what I do it's not good enough?

Why doesn't anyone love me?

It's because you're useless, stupid and annoying.

I should feel carefree.

But I don't feel any positive things anymore.

Because life sucks.

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