The Plan

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Josh knew that time was running out. He spent hours each day thinking about how to save El. How to do it without exposing himself. Finally he came up with a plan, introduce himself, take her out on a date and make her happy.

But somehow along that way things got complicated, each day he went to go introduce herself, he froze. His friends would tap his shoulder and drag him along to get food. He was frustrated. So on the way out he would say the opposite that she'd write in the journal about herself.

The day his friends drug him away from El was the day he lost it. He was going to introduce himself. Josh pushed his friend and told him to get lost, that he had something important to do. His friend pushed him back then punched him in the face. Having a black eye he decided to stay home for a week, missing what she wrote in her journal. The moment he came back he read through the pages. Seeing the words she wrote.

His plan wasn't working, she was deteriorating. She was going to kill herself anyways.

Suddenly he thought of exposing her journal, to make it where she realized how many people cared. That was it, that was the final plan.

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