El caught sight of Josh, as she went to run he called out her name."El, El wait." Instantly he caught hold of her, pushing her against the wall gently. He stared into her red, puffed up eyes. She pushed at his chest, begging him to let her go.
"Get off of me Josh! I hate you!" El screamed at him, he only held her tighter.
"No. You don't get to run away from me. What do you want me to say? Huh?" Josh snapped, El quickly shut up. She noticed how his hands were trembling and he was breathing roughly.
"Do you want me to say I'm sorry?" El pushed him off of her, storming off. "Well? Do you?" He yelled higher, El just barely out of his reach. "Do you want me to say how I'm so sorry that I saved your life, that I'm sorry that I made you stay here? Or that I'm sorry that I actually give a shit about you. No wait—how about the fact that I am the only one here that loves you?" Josh pushed further until he knew El would snap.
El turned around, furious.
"Yes! Finally you get it you—you fucking asshole." El couldn't control the words that were flowing out of her mouth. Josh and her were so close to each other that he could have took a step and they would be kissing. But there was no lust here.
"Well then you're not going to get it. You can hate me for the rest of your life. But I will never say I'm sorry for saving and caring about you. El you don't get to walk away from me. Not when I watched you self destruct. I will do anything and everything in my power to save you. Just you watch."
"Don't you dare keep me here when I have no reason to stay." She slowly backed away.
"You have me." Josh wanted to plead her, to let him convince her to give him a time limit to stay here with him. But Josh could see in her eyes that she would never agree.
"I'm sorry, Josh." She whispered. El was seething with rage.
"Please, El." Josh reached out for her, tears clouding his vision.
With that one word El slipped out the door, glancing back only once as the door shut to see Josh working his way to her before collapsing onto the floor. El felt no emotions that day whereas Josh felt every single one the minute the door slammed shut.

I Should Feel Like:
Cerita PendekEl never thought as a kid playing with her Barbies that she'd become like this. El never thought that she'd have to write down her feelings to let them out. El definitely didn't expect them to get out for the whole world to see, especially when she...