Chapter 5

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"You remember our plan?" I asked Steve. "Yes. You go in pretend that you want back in, get information, let me in, and we rescue the hostages, if there are any." He said with a sigh. "Yes,and if one of gets captured-" "Natasha I'm not leaving you, no matter what you say." He looked disappointed. Why can't he understand that I'm just trying to keep him safe. We pull up miles away from the building that they are supposed to be in. "Stay here until I'm ready for you." "Okay I got it." He chuckled. I start to get out of the car, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Please be careful." And he said that I worry too much. "I always am. I love you." "I love you too Natasha." I lock his lips with mine. He puts on of his hands on the side of my head. I had to give him a kiss before I went in, just in case it was the last one. I break the kiss. "I have to go," "yea I know." He smiled sadly. I get out of the car and start walking. I'm so nervous. What if they don't believe me? What if I never see Steve again? I can't think about all this. I have to stay focused. I finally showed up at the building. It looks more like a mansion. It's weird how this house, this mansion, is out  in the open like this. It's like they're not trying to hide anything. I walk up the steps and I don't know what to do. Do I knock or just walk in? I couldn't make up my mind, so I just walked in. It was so big. It had about three floors. The doors were all shut in this room, so I started walking upstairs. Then I hear a click.  "Natalia, I didn't think you were ever going to come. back." I turn around and see  my former trainer Madame B and some girl about 15 standing beside her with a gun in her hand. "Well this is my home." "What do you want?" She asked with a disgusted look. "I wanted to come back and help you train some other girls." "I don't believe you. Your with the Avengers now. You betrayed us!"she screamed. "Because I thought I could be something that I'm not! Truth is I just like killing too much." I lie with a straight face. "I'm tired of saving everyone." "And why should I believe you?" "Why else would I come back here alone? Knowing that you would kill me on sight?" "Fine. But if I see you doing anything suspicious your dead. Now follow me." "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. "You said you wanted to help train. It's time for you to help." I don't have a good feeling about this.

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