Chapter 6

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I walk in a big room with mats on the floor, and weapons on the walls. There are six girls standing in a line waiting on orders. They look about ages 10-16, maybe younger or older. They look terrified. "Ladies, this is Natalia Romanova, or as many know her the Black Widow. She will be helping you in your training." All the girls look nervous. "Let's start with aiming," Madame B. said with a smirk. Everyone went and got a gun and a couple of knives. We started on the guns first. I walk behind the girls, paying attention to their form. At the end of the line was a girl with brown hair, and green eyes. She looked about nine or ten. She was the smallest and skinniest of all the girls. She looked like she hasn't been eating, which she probably hasn't. She was missing the whole target, her handy was shaky, and jumped every time she shot. I walked up beside and she stopped trying to shoot and looked at me. "What's your name?" I asked with a smile. "Anastasia," she replied with her head down. "And how old are you?" I feel so bad for her. "Nine, and I know I can't shoot. I can't do anything." Her voice sounded shaky. "Look at me," she looked up with her gorgeous green eyes staring into mine. "Don't be so nervous,this is just for practice. Here, let me show you how to shoot." I took the gun, showed her the way my form is supposed to be, and shot the target five times. I gave her back the gun, and let her try again. She was doing better, and wasn't as nervous. I stepped back so I could watch all of them, that's when Madame B. stepped next to me. "Nice job Natalia. Alright, time for ballet. Go get dressed." The girls rushed out of the room. "I'll show you to your room." I followed Madame B. out the room and she led me up another flight of stairs. We walk down the hall and she opened a door. I walked in and the room and a single bed and a desk. She shut the door and left me alone. "Natasha, did you get the intel?" I almost forgot about Steve. I was about to answer when I saw a tiny camera in the corner of the ceiling. I walk out of my room and there are guards almost everywhere. I walk down the hallway some more and I see a door that has a tag on it Madame B.. I knock on the door and there's no answer so I walk in. The room has two chairs opposite from her desk and a computer. I walk up to the computer and put my flash drive in it. I download everything that is on it. "Steve, I got the intel. Hurry up, so I can get the hell out of here." "Copy that," I rush out the door and walk down stairs. Then, an alarm goes off. Breathless, Steve busts through the front door. "Took you long enough," I say with a smirk. He smiles at me and says,"let's go kick some ass." 10 guards show up with guns and surround us. "I'll take the 5 on the left, you take 5 on the right," he nods and we start fighting. I run towards to guys and wrap my arms around one and swing around and kick the other one. Steve's already done with his so he knocks the other three with his shield. "Come on, the girls should be down this way." We walk into another hallway and we knock down all the doors, but no one was in them. Then I hear something falling, I look behind me and it's Steve. I run to him. "Steve! Wake up Steve! Please!" I'm so closed to crying. I knew he shouldn't have came with me. "Awe isn't that nice. Natalia is in love. Too bad it won't last long." I turn around and Madame B. and a couple of guards are behind her pointing their guns at me. "What did you do to him!" "I just gave him an injection. For a normal person it would kill them. But with his metabolism, it will keep him out for a couple of hours." Then I feel a pinch in my neck. And everything goes black.

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