Chapter 20

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Today I have an appointment with Helen. She wanted to make sure that everything is okay again since I wasn't supposed to get pregnant. Steve came with me this time. He said he didn't want to miss anything. I thought I was more excited about this, but no he topped me. It was pretty cute.

The other day he just kept talking to the baby. Telling him or her how much we're gonna spoil them. He is going to make an incredible dad.

We walked into the tower holding hands. I could tell he was excited, I was too. We went straight into the medical part of the tower and looked for Helen. I saw her at the corner of the lab, looking at what I guess are tests.

"Dr. Cho?" I spoke and she turned around. "Natasha, Steve! How are you feeling?" She smiled.

"A little nauseous, but I'm fine thank you."
"Are you guys ready?" She asked and we nodded. We followed her to the room I was in before when we done the ultrasound and I sat down on the bed.

"Okay Natasha, I just want to do another ultrasound and maybe some more tests to make sure everything is okay." I looked over at Steve and I could tell he was nervous so I grabbed his hand.

Helen told me to lay back so she could do the ultrasound. I lifted my shirt up like last time and she put the gel on my stomach. She took the wand and moved it around. She had a confused look on her face. Something was wrong.

She put the wand back up and gave me a towel to wipe up the gel. I wiped it off and she told me to stand on a weight scale. I stood on it and she wrote my weight number down. She told me I could go sit back down and I did. Her face worried me.

She came back over to us with a look of pity on her face. "I have some bad news," she whispered. "What's wrong," Steve asked.

"It's the baby," she paused, "its killing you." "What do you mean?" I teared up.

"Its making you weaker, you're losing weight and you're supposed to be gaining it. I don't even know if you'll make it to birth Natasha." She sighed.

"Take it out of her," Steve commanded. "No!" I yelled. "You are not killing my baby!"

"Natasha-" Helen started but I cut her off. "I'll just hold off long enough until I can deliver."

"Natasha, I don't even know if you'll make it that long," she frowned.

I got up and walked out of the room. I'm not hearing anymore of this. I'm keeping my baby even if I have to die.

I got in the car and waited on Steve to come. I couldn't help but to start crying. The thought that I won't even be able to see my baby when it's born breaks my heart.

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