Chapter 12

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Things have been great between Steve and I. Ever since that night, it's like all the sexual tension we had has been thrown away. We've actually been more closer. Right now he's on a mission. It was supposed to be a three day mission, but it's more complicated than they thought. So, I decided to stay over at Clint's until Steve gets back. I've missed them so much. Right now me and Laura are in the kitchen, while Clint and the kids are outside playing. "So, you and Captain America huh?" Laura smirks. "Yea," I smile, "he's great." This is the first time in a long time, that me and Laura had one of our 'girl talks'. "I know he's a great person, but is he great in bed?" She snickered. I rose an eyebrow. "I mean you two have done it, right?" I smiled and took a sip of my drink. "Oh my gosh! Give me details." She said excitedly. "What kind of details?" I chucked. "How was it?" She exhilarated. "Amazing. It's true about the serum, it made EVERYTHING bigger," I smirked. She opened her mouth wide open. "So, how many times have y'all done it now?" She really wasn't playing when she said she wanted details. "More than once," We both laughed. "In all seriousness Nat, I'm really glad you find somebody," she smiled gently. "Thanks, I am too," I beamed. Laura and I started to cook supper while Clint and the kids washed up. After we ate we all went to bed. Well, they all went to bed, I couldn't sleep. I was up thinking about how far I've gotten. To being a murderous assassin, to being a hero, to dating a kind, loving super solider. If somebody told me a couple of years ago, that I would be dating Captain America, I probably would've snapped their neck. My train of thought stopped when I heard Nathaniel crying. I decided to get up and get him so Laura and Clint could sleep. I walked in the bedroom and he was standing up while holding on to the bars of the crib. I picked him up and sat down in the rocking chair with him. "What's the matter buddy?"
I asked with one of my baby voices. Of course he didn't answer me. "Everything is okay." I told him gently. I rocked him and he silently went back to sleep. I wish I could have this life. Where me and Steve could get married, settle down, have kids, and retire. But, it's never going to happen with me being sterile. I once told Steve he should leave me and find someone who could give him that, but he wouldn't. He just said that none of it's worth it if I'm not in it. Which is sweet, but I know he really wants it.

*couple days later*
I walked into a dark room with two beds. I'm them were two children, a boy and a girl. "Mommy?" The little girl said. "Natasha please don't do this!" Steve begged as he walked in the room.  I looked down and there was a gun in my hand. I turned around and shot him three times,as the little girl started screaming, and woke the boy up. Steve's down on the floor, but still alive. I turn back around to the two children. They were both crying. I walked over to the little boy, and I sat down on his bed. He looked terrified. So, I picked him up and put him on my lap. I put one hand on his head and the other on his back. "Poor, sweet little boy." I said gently. "You want your daddy?" I asked and he nodded. "You can join him," I said as I snapped his neck, and he fell to the floor. "Mommy, stop! Please!" The girl cried. "Oh, don't worry. This will be quick and easy," I smirked evilly. I pulled out my gun and shot.

I woke up sweating and panicking. "Natasha?" Steve worriedly asked. I jumped off the bed and sat in a corner, trying to hide. Steve came running over to me looking concerned. "Hey. It was just a nightmare. You're okay," he tried to calm me. "I killed you," I cried. "Natasha I'm right here, you didn't hurt me." He said as he picked me up and put me in his lap. "We had kids. And I killed them. You begged me not to, they begged me not to" I said unsteadily. "Shh, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." He comforted. I silently cried while he held me in his arms.

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