Chapter 22

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20 weeks
Steve moved in the Tower instead of me back with him. Helen suggested this, so she can keep her eyes on me. I guess Steve figured he would rather be with me the last few months before I died. We're still not really getting along, but he's trying his best to keep his mouth shut. Every time I rub my my stomach or talk to the baby, he just looks at me with disgust. I'm getting skinner and I can't really walk without support. Helen doesn't know how long I will last. I'm at least trying to hold out until the baby's survival rate is better.

I got an appointment with Helen, she's going to tell us the gender today. Steve doesn't want to come, he doesn't like looking at the thing that's going to kill me. His words not mine. Other than that he helps me. He fixes my food, helps me walk, and helps me take a shower. He's starting to warm up a little bit though. He got excited the other day. I felt the baby kick and when I told him, he put his hand over my not so little bump and smiled. It quickly went away after he realized what he was doing.

It was almost time for me to see Helen, so Clint put me in a wheelchair and started pushing me to the medical floor. I forgot to mention that Clint moved into the tower too. He wanted to be with me my last couple of months. He too put up a fight about me not killing the baby, but he soon got over it. Laura and the kids stayed at home, but they do come and visit a lot. Laura wanted to move in too but the kids are in school and she couldn't move them.

"So, what do you think it's gonna be? A boy or girl?" Clint asked me with a little excitement. "I'm hoping it's a boy, but I feel like it's a girl." I respond with a smile. "Well me and Tony thinks it's a boy, but everyone else is betting on a girl."

"You guys are betting on my child?" I try not to smile and just glare but I'm failing. "We got to have fun somehow," he chuckled.

We get to the medical part of the tower and he starts helping on the bed when Helen walks in. "Are you ready to see your baby?" She says trying to smile and I nod. She gets the equipment set up and I pull my shirt up. She squirts the gel on my belly and then puts the probe on it.

"Wow," she says, "the baby is actually bigger than usual, my guess is that's because of yours and Steve's serum. You're supposed to be twenty weeks but here it looks like twenty-six." She said fascinated. "You wanted to know the gender right?" I nodded. "You are having.... a girl."

I smiled and looked at Clint, "told ya," and he just laughed. "Well at least now we know who she's gonna look like," he said.

"Just because it's a girl doesn't necessarily mean that she's going to look like me. She could still end up looking like Steve." I argued.

" I highly doubt that," he smiled. "Well Natasha everything looks good, but I recommend going ahead and having the baby."

"Isn't still to early?" I questioned and she sighed.

"Well she's growing faster than normal and the survival rate at twenty-six weeks is 90 percent. I also think we should do this before you get worse, you might be able to live." She informed me.

"She'll do it," Clint answered for me. "What? No, you can't decide for me. I need time to think about this." I interjected.

"Natasha, you heard her. The survival rate is 90 percent and this could also mean you being able to live."

"What about the other 10 percent? What if she's one of the 10 percent that doesn't make it? Look I'll think about it but I'm not rushing into this." He was about to say something else but I glared at him and he shut up.

After seeing Helen, Clint wheeled me in my room and put me on the bed. I was really sleepy and needed a nap. He was mad at me for what I said about my decision. But I just needed some time to think, I couldn't just rush into it.

I started falling asleep when I heard someone open the door. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Steve.  He was standing in the door way watching me.

"Hey," I said quietly.

"Hey." He started walking over. He got on the bed and laid down beside me. I turned over so that I was facing him.

"Guess what," I said.

"What?" He asked curious. "We're having a girl," I smiled a big smile. I guess you could say I am really excited about this. "That's great." He forced a smile. "Come on Steve, are you really telling me you're not the least bit excited."

"So you're really not thinking about having this baby early so that you could possibly live?" He said changing the subject. "So Clint told you." I said rolling my eyes.  "Natasha I don't get why you're so committed on dying," he argued.

"I'm not committed on dying. I'm just trying to make sure that my baby lives."

"There's a 90 percent chance that it will. Could you please just listen?"He begged. "But there is a 10 percent chance that she won't. I want to be sure that she will! Is that so bad?" I started shouting.

"Natasha you and I both know that it  will because of our serums! Just please have this baby so that you will live! Is that too much to ask?" He started yelling.

"I'm not talking about this," I said starting to get up to get out of the room.

"Where are you going? You know you can't walk by yourself, hold on let me help you." Steve said starting to get up.

"No! I don't want or need your help!" I got up and starting walking to the wheelchair that was in the corner of the room.  But then my leg went out and I was falling. I felt fire run through all of my body. Then everything went black.

I woke back up in Steve's arms. He was running, I think to the medical part of he tower. He was yelling something but I couldn't hear. He put me on the medical bed and Helen and Bruce started connecting me to wires and an IV. They brought what looked like an incubator for the baby.

I felt a burning sensation around my stomach and when I looked down it was because they were cutting it. Steve was rubbing my hair and was talking to me, but again I couldn't hear.

I looked down again and I saw them take the baby out. She was so beautiful, but I only got to see her a second before they took her away. I felt tears run down my face. Then everything went dark.

Hey guys! Ugh sorry it took me so long. I promise I'll do better 😊 I hope you enjoy this chapter tho😂

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