Chapter 24

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I decided to go and help find Sarah. I'm not going to let someone hurt her no matter how much I can't stand to look at her. I can't look at her knowing she was the cause of Natasha's death.

When I arrive at the new Avengers Facility, Tony is outside waiting for me. I get out of the car and started walking towards him.

"Have you gotten any new information about who took her?" I ask him as soon as I get close enough.

"We have an idea. Nicholas Ernest, brother of Adrian Ernest. He was one of the people that was helping Adrian kidnap you and Nat."

"Are you sure that he could've taken Sarah?" I questioned him. " Well, him and his brother tried to get you and Natasha, and that failed. Since he can't get to you so easily, he would've more than likely went after Sarah. But there's really only one way to find out." He explained to me.

All of the Avengers were on the quinjet, on the way to go find Sarah. I really hope that she's at this Hydra base. After we get her, everything will go back to normal.

" So are you ready to take Sarah home?" Home? With me? I didn't want that, I just want to make sure she's safe.

"What are you talking about Barton?" He looked at me confused.  "You were planning on taking her back with you, right?" I guess he thought because I came to rescue her I would want her back, but that's definitely not the case.

"No I'm not. She's better off with you than she is with me, Clint."

"That's not true. You're her father, not me. You can't keep blaming her for Natasha's death, Steve." He told me as he walked away.

No matter what Clint says, I can't be her father.

We arrived at the base at night. There were a lot of guards standing outside of the base and probably more inside. My guess is that they knew we were coming.

" Banner I need you to hulk out, you, Thor, and Sam will take care of all the guards outside. Tony, Clint, and I are going to get inside of the base and find Sarah. Search every room. Tony, once we find Sarah, I want you to download all of their files. I want to know exactly why they wanted Sarah. Let's move out."

Once Thor, Sam, and Hulk started to fight the guards outside, the rest of us went in. 

I was right. More and more guards started coming out of every corner. Me, Tony, and Clint fought every one of them that came at us.

"Split up, there are a ton of rooms, we'll cover more ground that way. " I told them and then walked through one of the hallways.  I started kicking down all the doors but no room  had Sarah in them. Most were full of guards or torture rooms.

I got to the end of my hallway with one last door. I knew something had to be in this room because you needed someone's handprint to unlock it. 

I took my shield and hit the security pad. It broke and I was able to kick down the door. Inside the room was a crib. There was machines all around it and what looked like wires going into the crib.

There were a couple of doctors and guards in the room, but I easily took them out with a throw of my shield.

"Guys, I found Sarah. Tony, I need you to come in here and download those files." I instructed.

"On my way, Cap." He replied. I started to walk towards the crib when I heard footsteps. I raised my shield to throw but stopped. It was Clint.

" Go get Sarah, I'll cover you." Was all he said as Tony also showed up. I went up to the crib and was shocked. She was so beautiful. She looked just like Natasha. The hair and face was all her. The only thing that wasn't was her eyes. Those soft baby blue eyes that I see in the mirror everyday.

I unhooked all of the wires and IV lines off of her and carefully picked her up. She started fussing a little but soon stopped after I got her comfortable. 

"Is she okay Cap?" Tony asked me. "Yea, she's........perfect." I replied as I started walking out of the room with her and with my shield in front of her.

Clint, Tony, and I walked out of the base, running towards the quinjet. As soon as I got to the quinjet, Tony set repulsers to blow up the base after everyone retreated back. 

"Steve, put Sarah on the cot. I want to  make sure they didn't do anything to her." Bruce told me.

After a couple of minutes of Friday scanning, Bruce told me that she was fine.

She started whining a little so I picked her back up. After seeing her, I decided that I couldn't let her go. This baby is a part of Natasha, she is the best way of keeping Natasha's memory alive.

I promise I'll take good care of her, Nat.


That took forever. I'm so sorry, I sort of lost inspiration to continue, I'm planning on doing a sequel but that all depends on y'all! If you want a sequel please let me know in the comments!

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