Chapter 19

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Steve and I are back at our apartment. My wounds are almost healed all the way up. Steve hasn't been so overprotective anymore, once I yelled at him for following me. But something else has been bothering me. I've been nauseous all the time and my breasts are killing me. I've had my suspicions, but they can't be true. I mean the Red Room sterilized me. So it's impossible for me to be pregnant...right?

I set me up an appointment with Helen to find out what is wrong with me. I'm not gonna tell Steve, I don't want his hopes up again. He is on a mission today, so he won't know about it unless I tell him. I haven't told anyone about this. It couldn't be anything to worry about. Hopefully.


I arrived at the Avengers Tower scared and nervous. I'm trying real hard not to be noticed by Stark, I don't want him to know about this. At least, not unless it's absolutely necessary. I walked into the medical part of the tower trying not to worry of how bad this could be. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Helen.

"Natasha, I didn't know you were here yet. Are you ready?" She politely asked. I just nodded and followed her into another room.

"Go ahead and have a seat," she said as she pointed to a hospital like bed. "Now what symptoms are you having?" I told her all my symptoms that I've been having for the past two weeks.

"And you're positive that you're not pregnant?" I shook my head, "I was sterilized." She nodded and took out a needle. "I'm gonna take some blood, so that I can run some tests." I let her take my blood and then she walked out of the door.

Twenty minutes later she came back. "I got you're results," she said hesitant.

"Is it bad?" I gulped. "Well, it depends on how you take it. Natasha, you're pregnant."

How is that possible? I was sterilized, there's no way I could be pregnant. This has to be a mistake.

"Check again. It's impossible for me to be pregnant."

"I checked three times, but if you want to be sure we can do an ultrasound." She motioned to the machine in the corner. I looked at her and nodded.

She brought the machine over and turned it on.
"Raise your shirt up please." I did what she told me to and she put some cold gel on my stomach. She grabbed the wand and moved it around on my stomach.

"There's the baby," she pointed to a what looked like a small bean. "You are about seven weeks pregnant. Would you like some pictures?" She asked nicely. I couldn't come up with any words so I just nodded. "I'll get those printed for you," she smiled,"here," she handed me a paper towel to wipe off the gel and she walked out of the room.

I couldn't help but stare at my baby. Mine and Steve's baby. I still couldn't believe it.

"I'm pregnant," I smiled as a tear fell down my face. I'm finally get what I've always wanted. I can't wait to tell Steve.

Helen walked back in and gave me my pictures and a bunch of other things on pregnancy. "Now I want in you to come back in a week. Since  you weren't supposed to get pregnant in the first place I need to make sure there's no problems."

As soon as I got in the car I was thinking of ways to tell Steve.

Steve is coming home tonight, so I decided to make supper. I already know how I'm gonna tell Steve. He really needs to hurry and get home.

Speaking of the devil,"Natasha? I'm back." Steve yelled. "In the kitchen!" I yelled back.

As soon as he came in the kitchen I ran up to him and kissed him. Our lips unlocked and he smiled at me. "What was that for?" He grinned. "I just missed you is all."

"Well maybe I should leave more often," He chuckled.

We ate our food and talked about his mission. Then I got out a bag and gave it to him. "What is this?"

"Just something I bought for you," I smiled.

He pulled out a mug that said 'World's Best Dad' on it and the pictures of the baby was in it.  

"Natasha, what's this?" He asked cautiously. "I think it's pretty obvious Steve," I smiled. He took the ultrasound picture out and looked at it.

"You're pregnant?" He asked. "Yes. Two months in fact," I told him. His whole face lit up. He picked me up and twirled me around.

"I thought you couldn't get pregnant?" He asked curiously. "Well, they don't call you a super solider for nothing." He blushed.

He got down on both of his knees and started kissing my stomach. Tears ran down my face as I seen this. He is going to be the perfect father.

Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to update! I've been meaning to but I sorta lost my inspiration to write but I'll try to update more!

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